• 𝐚 𝐮 𝐭 𝐡 𝐨 𝐫 ' 𝐬 𝐧 𝐨 𝐭 𝐞 •

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Hello I'm 'atextrovert'

I sincerely thank you for spending your precious time on this book. It means a lot to me and I hope it meets your expectations :')

There may be slight grammatical errors in this story since this is not my first language.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this story. Feel free to share your ideas and opinions about this story. And don't forget to hit that vote button!


There may be triggering situations mentioned in this book. Therefore, trigger warnings may or may not be mentioned. Viewers should use caution.

Image credits: Pinterest/Google

This is a fictional work.

Contains mature content.
Not suitable for younger readers.

This book contains strong languages, traumatic moments and detailed smut. Please proceed with caution.

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people, religions, localities or events are coincidental, and the all characters are fictional.

Copying this book will result in violation of the copyright act. Accounts will be reported effectively and immediately.

Hate comments will be removed immediately.

I'm open to positive criticism and normally chill as a person unless you push my buttons. So, if you don't like it. Leave. Don't waste your energy for something that will be removed anyways.


Attention! This story contains Slow Burn. And by that I literally mean it's slow burn. The characters in this book have a thing called 'resilience' and aren't just gonna snap easily and give into the heat.

This story takes it's sweet sweet time build up the tension between the characters, driving them both mentally and physically frustrated until the strings snap.

And what's not better than two characters finally letting loose after all that forced proximity?

So if you still think you can stop yourself from flinging your phone across the room. Congratulations! You've made it into the ride!🥳

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoy each and every chapter! ❤️

Tropes included:

•Heirs of Billionaires.
•Enemies to Lovers.
•Slow burn.
•Forced Proximity.
•Marriage of convenience.
•Contractual relationship.
•Dry-humored male lead.
•Sassy female lead.
•Reverse grumpy x sunshine.
•Asian Cultural/Religious representation (nothing too much i swear just normal family functions and festivals)
•Only one bed trope.
•She fell first but he fell harder.

•No misunderstanding/miscommunication trope.(c'mon these things physically hurt me)
•No second lead syndrome.
•No accidental pregnancy.
•No quirky MC/damsel in distress syndrome. (absolutely tf not)

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Hey everyone! I just wanted to quickly invite you all to come follow me on Instagram if you're looking for even more content from the world of my Wattpad story.

My account is @atextrovrt and it's the perfect place to get exclusive extras, behind-the-scenes insights, and early teasers for what's to come in upcoming chapters. I often share character moodboards, location inspiration photos, music playlists and more.

It's also where I'll post any spoiler-filled Q&As or polls about the plot. And did I mention that my followers there might occasionally get first dibs on bonus chapters or special scenes chapters...? 😉

Connecting on Instagram is a fun way for us all to engage beyond the story. I love chatting directly with readers and hearing your theories. Who knows, your comments and questions may even inspire new directions for my tale!

So if you want a sneak peek into my process, commentary from me, and that sweet, sweet early access material, be sure to find me @atextrovrt. The door is always open. Now back to the writing - can't keep you waiting too long for more, after all!

 Now back to the writing - can't keep you waiting too long for more, after all!

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Insta: @atextrovrt

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