• 𝐞 𝐢 𝐠 𝐡 𝐭 𝐞 𝐞 𝐧 •

45 7 1

[Warning: Strong Languages Ahead]

A a r a v

As the words left Rajesh's mouth, a sense of dread washed over me. I glanced at Meher and saw the worry in her eyes - she knew what was coming just as I did?

Before I could react, he continued, "And today to finalize and set things in stone, we are really happy to announce that the union of these two families will be marked by their engagement, taking place tonight!"

What in the gargled ball sack?


This couldn't be happening.

No. Fucking. Way.

Cold fury pulsed through my veins as the room erupted into chaos. I shot a seething glare at Rajesh, barely containing the rage boiling within.

How dare he decide our futures without consent? Meher and I deserved to choose our own paths. How could he make such a monumental decision without even discussing it with me first?

I saw the horror veiled over Meher's eyes and it fueled my wrath even more.

A hollow numbness fell over me as the reality of the situation hit. That man and my father had truly cornered us with no way out. Panic rose in my chest, threatening to overwhelm me. I needed to get away, to breathe - this was all too much too soon.

Noise buzzed loudly in my ears, drowning out the whoops and congratulations around us. My mind reeled trying to stay over my spiking anxiety, refusing to accept what had just happened.

Noticing my seething anger, Meher gently released her hand around my arm. I didn't said anything in return. I didn't know how.


As the announcement sinks in, I'm reeling in shock and anger. Then it hits me - the password.

I clearly remember using Meher's birth date to access Rajesh's laptop. At the time, I thought it was harmless or just a protective father being sentimental.

But now it takes on a whole new meaning. The password wasn't a coincidence - it hinted at a deeper level of trust and complicity between Meher and her father.

My mind spins as I try to make sense of it. How long had they been scheming this marriage plot in secret? Was that laptop access part of their plans all along?

As betrayal and rage boiled over. I gripped her arm tightly, leaning in so that only she could hear the furious hiss through my clenched teeth. "You knew about this didn't you?" 

The look of shocked hurt on her face made me pause, but I was too angry to let it go just yet.

Why wasn't she as surprised as I was? Had she been carrying on secret meetings with our fathers, plotting this union behind my back?

My mind was reeling, coming up with every reason why she must have been complicit. Everything that has happened to us till now - just a ruse to manipulate me?

I confronted her with the only "evidence" I have in that chaotic moment. "Your birthday - that was the password. So don't tell me you didn't know about this."

Meher appears confused at first, then realization dawns as she puts the pieces together. But it's too late - my fragile trust in her is already shattered.

She seemed taken aback by my accusation. "Aarav, I swear I didn't know," she pleaded.

All the time we had spent together, growing closer - had it all been leading to this? A carefully crafted plan to make me fall for her so I wouldn't put up a fight?

𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐈𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now