Wave goodbye, this might be the year.

7 0 0

Of course, as you grew the both of you were very similar yet different. Erwin seemed more mature yet considerably very uptight, while you prioritized your studies and had no time for social interactions. Not only that you both discovered your first signs of romance.

You met Miche through an enthusiastic friend named Hange, whom you met during your studies at the early college you attended. Miche was very tall and broad, his droopy dirty blonde hair covering his eyes slightly. He had a bit of a mustache and a funky-looking beard forming and his eyes were a lovely shade of berry blue.

Miche didn't speak much when you first met, only offering a formal handshake as a greeting and a sniff that caught you off guard. He inhaled the scent of your shampoo and then bobbed a smile forming on his lips as he stood back.
Unsettled you looked at Hange expecting some form of explanation to which they explained that it was his way of determining if you were a decent human being or not by your scent. It didn't seem logical but you refused to question the man's habits any longer.

He always seemed to linger around Hange along with their partner Moblit who was also very polite and friendly. Miche would stand around looking and surveying his surroundings from his tall height. He was also considered polite as he always pulled your chair for you and opened the door.

He rarely ever talked, often expecting you to initiate the conversation, but you were lackluster in the ability to do so. So instead Miche always looked down at you and said nothing until eventually, you sprayed up the conversation of asking about his studies. Something that would get him to respond and give you more details which would lead to a bigger conversation.

Only then did you both continue to talk until you became mutual friends often hanging out and taking walks together. You'd share your thoughts and he'd share him, eventually, you found out he was quite the ladies' man as everywhere you went he always has a woman come up to him.

Although it seemed as if he wasn't quite accepting of the attention he'd receive from women. He'd get aggravated and he'd only stay silent hoping they'd eventually leave him alone. Not giving them the time of day they'd finally walk away in a malicious mood.

"So you stay still and say nothing? Like you just take after a statue?"

"Mmhmm. It gets exasperate when women are throwing themselves at you here and there.", he confirmed as you both sat against a tree with leaves that provided an adequate amount of shade.

"Most men are envious of it yet I see no point, some women are dull and materialistic, it's rare to find a woman who wants you for you and not the riches you have."

"I wish I could do the same, although I'd be considered rude and then get berated for it. One can never be too careful.", you shared as you leaned beside him exhaling a soft breath.

Miche was always fun to be around, he was very tranquil and he provided a safe aura in which you felt comfortable. Despite being taller and much stronger than you, you knew he'd never hurt you. If anything he was very comforting to be around, a place of consolation if you will, there was hardly anything threatening about his aura, he felt like an old dog who just wanted to follow its owner around and sleep. He was far too gentle with you, treating you as if you were a tiny kitten in his large palms.

"I understand, I have sisters who are the same way."

"You have sisters?!" you stood up suddenly quirking a brow at the blonde as he continued leaning against the rough bark of the tree.

"Mmhmm three to be precise, all older."

"How come you've never mentioned it??"

"You never asked.", he shrugged patting the grass next to him expecting you to sit back down.

I will fall in love with the one my heart's dreaming of. Where stories live. Discover now