I will fall in love with the one my heart's dreaming of

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Although Erwin's emotions never seemed to simmer down, they never evaporated nor disappeared. If anything they were as vast and profound as the ocean itself and it became unbearable for Erwin to think of anything other than you and how he'd relish the reality of you being beside him. And his feelings only grew intenser with the passing of your father and his last wishes.

As your father withered away slowly he requested that he speak to Erwin alone. Such an action dreaded him yet he felt earnest to doing so. As Erwin stood next to his death bed your father coughed and cleared his throat. Speaking of their great memories and how he'd never regret the sentiment of adopting the blonde into the L/N family. Gratitude and tender moments were exchanged between the both of them.

Yet what pulled his heartstrings the most was his final request, a dead man's definitive wish.

"Erwin, I ask that you take care of my daughter, please look after her and protect her."

"Of course Sir L/N, I promise I will protect Y/N with all my being.", your father didn't even have to ask Erwin. Erwin would already do so out of heart, it would be no burden for him to watch after you and make sure you were as healthy and unscathed as can be. You'd be his fine piece of China, treasured and safeguarded.

"You also have my blessing son."

Catching him off guard, Erwin jerked with furrowed brows and eyed the dying man. "Excuse me?"

"Oh don't play coy with me boy, I'm a dying man for goodnesses sake.", the man wheezed in slight pain as he wiped the residue with a handkerchief. "I know adoring eyes and a tender demeanor when I see one."

"I see, I apologize."

"Besides that, you have my permission to court my daughter.", he chuckled lightly as if he had spewed the funniest joke alive to man. Although Erwin was still scarcely shocked. Perplexed even, although he honored the old man and nodded.

Eventually, the funeral day came and both of you stood beside each other staring down at the casket. The man crossed bedded with flowers and a vanilla look on his face.

"Hm kind of reminds me of how we met.", Erwin murmured before he repented immediately, "sorry that was too insensitive of me ha.."

"No no, you're right. Except for this time, it's my father on his deathbed.", you replied curtly before you felt Erwin encircle his arms around you. His hand rubbed your back while he rested his chin on your forehead.

"I am sorry. I know words cannot describe how you feel at the moment, yet you should know that I will always be here."

Such tender words caused you to become seldom melancholic while you hugged him tightly pressing your side to his chest. He solaced you like a mother hen and her chicks and from all the promising words you heard that night he meant the most. Perhaps he was the only man who'd ever understand your loss.

"Yet you knew him as well."

"That's correct. Although I considered him my father, he will always be your father.", Erwin tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear before he looked down at you. "I am very grateful for what your family has done for me. I will forever be in your debt."

"You're very sweet Erwin."

The next couple of weeks were quite heavy in tension as you were somber and depleted. The thick bags under your eyes were murky and purple and your movement was stagnant. It was obvious you hadn't gotten a proper night of rest.

Paperwork was stacked upon stack and you felt as if you were filled too full with duties. Having to govern your father's businesses after his death under Erwin was rather stressful yet endearing. You felt productive as if you were quickly grinding the gears of your mind as you were constantly jotting down and negotiating.

I will fall in love with the one my heart's dreaming of. Where stories live. Discover now