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It was monsoon already. With downpours resisting the flow of traffic on the streets of Delhi to the last of the summer heat being scrapped away, things had changed vividly. The end of the month of the June was nearing. Amit had become way more comfortable. Although he still hadn't left his professional demeanor, he was a little less scary and a little more jovial. We used to sleep on video calls. Everything that seemed cringey before felt like a gesture of love now.

I woke up early today. Only because his battery died the other night and he couldn't continue the call. To be honest, my confidence has rose since he started teaching me. Mom likes him too. Little does she know, she welcomes her future son-in-law everyday.

It was time for my school. This was for the first time in days, that I was going to reach school early. I was supposed to pick Adyasha from her place too.

I reached her house in time. She came outside as soon as the driver honked. But I doubt she heard the screeching noise of the tyres first. I could spot her mother waving to both of us. She is a sweet lady. And somebody who knows her knows exactly where Adyasha gets her mannerisms from. She is one kind lady indeed.

Adyasha took slow steps first and hurried soon after. She entered the car and sat right next to me. Her skirt was all over my lap. She put her bag on the footrest simultaneously fixing her uniform. She pulled her skirt back. "So, say what's your outlook on today? ", she began the conversation with the most philosophical question I have ever heard. " Slow down sister. I didn't I have an outlook prepared already", I widened my eyes to let her know I wasn't ready for such questions. "Hmm...I get it. It's just that I was watching an interview about having a positive outlook the other day. You know how you can know so many things but you need to learn how to apply those concepts.", she replied. " I see. ", I nodded in response. "Shaina, see...we know so many theories, but how we learn to use those while solving questions. Same way we ". "Oh yeah, he says the same thing too", I cut her in between since I was excited on the mention of Amit's words. "Who is he? ", she had a questioning look on her face. A "huh" left my mouth. My tongue slipped again. The last time my tongue slipped, Amit slipped into my arms. But now that my tongue slipped, Adyasha may slip away from my life. "I...umm... actually...he.. hmm..", no matter how much I tried ,I just couldn't tell her. "Are you by any chance talking about that Amit guy?, she raised her voice as well as her eyebrows. "Yes", I couldn't speak anymore. "SHAINA PLEASE DON'T TALK TO THAT GUY.", she screamed at the top of her lungs. She was so loud that her voice even startled our driver.
"Shaina, he won't even spare the last ruins of yours." ;

"How do you know? Did you date him? ";

"What do you mean by date him? Everybody knows he is a monster. He won't ever hurt you physically. But he'll drain your emotional stability. You'll be left a crying mess Shaina. A crying mess. " ;

"But why do you think so? He's good. Just that, he's an introvert. ";

"Seems like you're already manipulated. Look me in the eyes Shaina, if. If. That guy, he's rich. He's good at studies. He looks good too. Then why do you think no one ever dated him? The whole of Delhi decided not to date him. Why are you special? " ;

"Because he mustn't have liked anybody. I mean, he cannot fall for anyone just because HE is a whole package. ";

"I can see the manipulation in your eyes dear. Good luck crying ", she ended the conversation with a smirk. She was feeling pity. It was evident on her face.

She didn't talk to me for the rest of the ride. She was looking outside the window the whole time. She even parted ways when we reached school. I didn't want to lose her but I couldn't lose Amit too.

I didn't bother her for the rest of the day. She'll come back as soon as she cools down. Being left alone in the school, the entire environment turned boring. I was tired of listening to the teachers. He teaches so much better. I even get a hug everytime I solve a question. These teachers might me good, but they don't have that spark. They need to learn how to teach.

I barely survived school. I left for my home as soon as the last bell rang. I saw Adyasha change her way when she spotted me. Probably, she was still angry.
I will deal with her tomorrow. I was completely exhausted. Both physically and emotionally.

I reached home and the next thing I remember is I was sleeping.

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