Nightmare Mode

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Yin's POV

We had finished cleaning up when someone walked in. I looked up, only to see a complete stranger weilding a crowbar. He swung it, and it nearly hit my head, if it wasn't for a black-coated person taking the hit to his own.


I saw him laying there, motionless, and something kicked in. I stood up, feeling new strength. I clenched my fists, tears falling down my cheeks. Then i swung my fist, felling something new on my arm. It easily connected to his face, and made a cracking sound. He fell to the floor, and i looked at my hand. My fingertips had claws at the fingertips, and a blade as well. my heels had turned to a blade as well. I remember someone mentioning something like this. They called it 'nightmare mode'.

I smirked at my transformation. Then i picked up the man by his shirt. "Are you ready for this deadly Kitty?" I said, hearing the insanity in my voice. Then i kicked him, hard. He coughed up blood, swearing. I grinned at the sight of his blood. Then i felt something wrap around me, and a head leaned onto my shoulder. I turned to be face-to-face to Foxy. He turned me towards him and kissed me. i felt myself shift to normal. We pulled apart, and he whispered five words i would never forget.

"I will always love you"

My face warmed as i leaned into him, just as the manager walked him. He gaped at the sight of the man sprawled on the floor, and the blood on my gloves. Then he shook his head. "I-I'm sorry Mr. Cawlthon!" I started to say frantically, worried that i would be fired. "Sorry for what?" He replied looking at me."This man wouldv'e made off with all of our spare parts. If anything, i should be thanking you. Now, we're opening in an hour and a half, and i expect him to be dealt with before then. Freddy, Bonnie, you know what to do with him. The rest of you, clean the blood up. Are Vince and Mina still here?"

"yup!" Mina said, waling from the west hall, hand in vincent's. "And we have something to discuss with you, Mr. Cawlthon." And she held up her hand to show her ring. Scott looked at the two, then did a small applause. "when's the wedding?" he asked. "Actually," Vince spoke up. "We wanted to have it next month, here. This place has a lot of memories for us, and i could be good buisness for you." Scott thought about this for a moment, then shrugged. "I don't care, but tell me what day it'll be. "March 7th" they said in unison. He nodded and walked off, leaving them to clean up the body.

Love can be an accident (foxy x oc) *EXTREME EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now