Untitled Part 32

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Mina's POV

I yelped in surprise, falling to my knees. Yin's footsteps, along with Tinae's, were running back to me. About five seconds later,  they were at my side. Vince looked extremely worried, his now yellow hair in his eyesight. I could feel the pain coming, and I looked at tinae, nodding, signaling the child was coming. She whispered something to yin, and quickly sent out vince, having yin take me to the office. "Okay, mina, i'm helping you through this, and so is scarlet. SCARLET!!!" She said, and scarlet ran out of the kitchen. "WHAT!?" she shouted back to us, but this time I replied.

"YOU DON'T SAY WHAT WHEN I AM IN ALOT OF PAIN HERE AND YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE HELPING YOU BITCH" I yelped in pain, as scarlet ran in. "Red, you're helping her the most because you know how to deal with this!" Yin said, using her nickname.

Timeskip to 2 months later because I dont know shit about giving birth XD

I held the small child in my hands, wondering how the hell this little girl came from me. Yin had twins about 3 weeks after I had Savannah. They were fraternal twins one boy one girl. The girl was named Katerina, Kat for short. She had named the boy Tyler, and each had their own traits. Tyler looked more like his father, with reddish brown hair and amber eyes. Kat had her mothers looks, with dark blonde hair and pink eyes. I remember yin having golden blonde hair when she was five, but had become black when she was sixteen. I figured the same would be for kat.

Sav had brownish auburn hair and electric blue eyes. We had found out later that she was blind in her left eye, but it would become more able to see as the years pass. She loved to climb onto stuff, so she always had to be watched over.

Rose and Freddy were still very loving, but rose had changed dramatically since when she first got here. She had become more silent, and the most prone to pain out of all of us. She had fallen off the stage, bending her wing out of place. She was fine, but he still took care of her.

Petal and Marionette had become close, but nobody knew if the were dating or not. She would be talking to him the most often, as well as hold his hand, but denied liking him.

Scarlet and Gold were the most silent of us all. They would cook and serve the pizza, with scarlet's best pizza crust ever and gold's amazing tomato sauce. Rose, yin, and scarlet would be serving the most often.

Tinae and Bonnie were very caring of each other, and they were thinking of starting a family after sav, tyler, and kat were a bit older. Tinae would often sing, with bonnie playing the electric guitar and tinae playing acoustic.

Yin and Foxy were inseparable, except for when yin was taking care of the twins because Foxy didn't want to hurt them with his hook. They often told stories to the children, cheering up any kids who were crying. Yin preferred being a waitress because it was easier to take care of her children.

Vince and I were close, trying to make up for lost time. It took me a while to get used to vince's new look, but I did. We had bought the pizzeria, and it was now a family business. We had bought another restaurant, where the toys worked at. We made puppet the manager there, and petal went with him. Because of the bright and happy m atmosphere, people loved going to either restaurant. We had made a teen area where the local high schoolers could go to after school.

In all, we were one big, happy family. And we intend to keep it that way.

The end......or is it?
Nerp, im making a sequel later. Im holding a contest for ocs who will be shown as the children of:

Bonniw and Tinae
Mangle and Alpha (male :p)
Scarlet and gold

So send in your ocs and I may use it in the new story! And now a small list of thanks.

@Black_Neko-chan for dealing with my stupidity.

@Abby_Jobe for being the yin to my tinae
@Amore_Miko for being Abby_Jobe

Author out!!!

Love can be an accident (foxy x oc) *EXTREME EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now