You're A Pure-Blood

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"We'll send you a Hogwarts toilet seat." Echoed a voice in the compartment as Phoenix waved her parents goodbye. Remus however seemed a bit preoccupied. A silvery-white light hovered above him, as Jack leaned out of the window, "Scar and Will aren't here yet!"

Remus walked up to the window, "Arthur just sent a message, they're running a bit late. They'll meet you at the station," he added.

Phoenix scowled, "I can't believe she actually did this."

Jack sent her a questioning look. "Not the time kids, the train's leaving!" Henry yelled as the train began to move.

"Be careful and Jack stop sticking your head out!" Elena scolded. Jack gulped at the sharpness in her voice and instantly sat down. As the train picked up speed, Elena Henry, and Remus disappeared from their sight. There was a slight knock on the compartment door before it slid open.

"We heard you mention Will," said a red-haired boy, as he came in accompanied by his twin brother.

Jack nodded, "They said -", he began but was interrupted by the other twin.


"Blimey, we almost forgot about you!" the other twin exclaimed.

"Where's your better half?" they chorused.

Phoenix rolled her eyes, "Damned if I know," she grumbled.

"Arthur sent a message saying they'll meet us at the platform."

"Will is going to throw a fit -"

"Lee Jordon's got a giant tarantula, want to take a look?"

"Absolutely not."

The twins smirked, "Oy, we forgot to introduce ourselves. Fred and George Weasley and this is our ickle Phoenix," said Fred facing Jack as he draped his arm over her shoulder.

"Jack Lupin. And, yes. I know, we're friends," Jack replied.

George grinned, "Little Miss White already making friends aye?"

"Oy, leave her be," Fred said, pulling his brother out of the compartment. "We'll be down at the middle of the train if you need us," he added.

Phoenix smiled, "Aye."

"And ickle Ronniekins is just in the next compartment," George supplied.

"See you later," they chorused and slid the compartment door shut.

Phoenix sat down next to the window opposite Jack. "How do you know the Weasley's?" Jack asked, crossing his legs.

"Dad's friends with Arthur Weasley. They're pen pals," she chuckled.

"We met them at Gringotts last year. He helped us with exchanging the muggle currency. I swear it makes no sense," she said, as she handed him a packet of crisps.

"Fred and George seem nice."

"They are, but do watch out for their pranks," Phoenix warned.

Jack grinned, "It's good to have a worthy opponent."

Phoenix's eyes widened, "Oh no."

"I won't pull any pranks on you, don't worry."

Phoenix raised her eyebrow, "Well, that's a shame. Cause I'm not making that promise."

Jack smirked, "You sure about that?"


"Alright, White. I have a proposition for you. Let's see who's better at successfully executing the pranks between us, and whoever manages to pull off the majority of the pranks by the end of the term wins."

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