The Marauders

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Two Days. Two days until the full moon, Jack thought bitterly as he gulped down the piping hot peppermint tea that Hagrid had just brewed for him. He had been racking his brain all week trying to come up with an excuse for his absence but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't find a reasonably believable solution.

Hagrid placed a huge plate of rock cakes on the table as he sat down on his armchair facing him. Next to him, Fang, his beloved pet was lying down on the sofa with its head resting on Jack's lap.

"How are yer feeling?" the giant asked Jack, who was absentmindedly stroking the giant black boarhound.

"Huh?" Jack looked up, "Not bad, but I could live without Snape hovering over me till I completely gulped down the potion."

Hagrid patted his knee sympathetically, "It might not seem that way, but he means well," he continued, "Here, have some cake, it ought to ease yer tummy."

"Thanks, Hagrid," Jack hesitantly took one rock cake from the plate and carefully nibbled it around the edges. Hagrid smiled at him, as he poured himself a cup of tea, "I hope Snape's not giving you any trouble in class."

Jack shook his head no, "Thankfully not. He just pretends I don't exist for the most part. Has he always been that way or did someone drop him on his head?"

Hagrid choked on his tea, which sent the hot liquid splashing all over his beard. Jack quickly leapt onto his feet and handed him a handkerchief, annoying Fang in the process who started barking at him.

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

Hagrid waved him off, "I'm fine," he laughed, wiping his beard. "Professor Snape... well let's just say he ain't fond of any students."

"Yes, but he must have not been like this all his life. I mean, he was a student himself. He might've had friends... right?"

Hagrid let out a small grunt, as he threw fang a piece of meat. Jack understood that Hagrid wasn't going to tell him anything Snape but that didn't stop him from asking more questions. "He was in the same year as Dad, wasn't he?"

Hagrid nodded, "I believe so."

Jack grinned, "They weren't friends, were they?" Hagrid sighed as he shook his head no, "So, who were his friends?" Jack pressed, as Hagrid looked at him sceptically.

"Remus never mentioned them?"

"He barely talks about his years in Hogwarts, let alone his friends," Jack mumbled, as he looked down, "I just want to know more about Dad," he added pleadingly. He had tried asking these very same questions to McGonagall, but she had wasted no time in shutting him down.

"They called themselves the Marauders," Hagrid chuckled, as he recalled an old memory of chasing four students away from the Forbidden Forest. Jack sat up straight, as he stared at him eagerly, "The Marauders?"

Hagrid nodded, "I've spent half of me life running after them, and the rest away from them. Thick as thieves they were, the four of them. Wherever one went, the rest followed. Not a day goes by where I don't miss them," he admitted, his eyes glistened with tears, as he tried to hold back a sob.

Jack gulped nervously, as he placed his hand over Hagrid's, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you."

Hagrid wiped his tears away, and smiled down at him, "It's been so long... since I've talked about them," he mumbled, "You remind me so much of him when he was your age."


"Yes, but please spare me from having to chase you away from the forest. I'm not as young as I was before," Hagrid laughed.

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