Two Voices, One Shadow

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"Here, I found the book you were looking for," Hermione said, pulling a chair and sitting beside Phoenix. Phoenix looked up from her Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook and glanced at the Magical Beasts book Hermione had retrieved for her.

"Thanks, Mione," Phoenix replied as Hermione flung the book open, "I found this near the Restricted Section," Hermione whispered as her eyes roamed over the index. "Found it, Merpeople," she pointed out as she flipped the pages, "But this doesn't have any information about their interactions with the wizards. Looks like the only way to communicate with them is if one knows how to speak Mermish."

Phoenix took the book from her hand and skimmed through the text. "What's this?" she asked, pointing to a set of symbols beneath the painting of a couple of Merpeople near an underground cave, "That's not Ancient Rune, is it?"

Hermione shook her head no, "I'm not sure, Runes have many ancient origins, but looks like it could be Ancient Greek."

"Sirens," Phoenix whispered as she traced the words, "Could it mean sirens? The drawings look different. See, the ones in the Black Lake do not look like this, they have more tentacles and grey scales. These, on the other hand, look more human."

Hermione nodded in agreement, "They are different," she noted. "I read that their appearances vary across different water bodies. Some of their species live in seawater and the rest in freshwater."

"Fascinating," Phoenix mumbled, "I'll see if I can get this book issued. It looks interesting, and hopefully, I'll find out more about them."

"I doubt if Madam Pince will let you take it out from here, she gave me a very nasty look when she saw this book in my hand."

Phoenix looked over at the Librarian, who was scolding a couple of Hufflepuff students for turning in the books late, "Looks like someone could use some rescuing," Phoenix hummed, as she closed her book shut.

Hermione looked at her disapprovingly, "Phoenix, it's none of our business. If they don't want to be yelled at, they should've returned the books in time!"

"Come on, Mione. It happens to the best of us. Besides, I really want this book. And I'm not sure if Madam Pince will let me borrow this under normal circumstances."

Hermione huffed in annoyance, "Do whatever you want, I'm not going to be a part of this."

"You are a part of this," Phoenix pointed out, "I wouldn't have this book if it weren't for you."

Hermione rolled her eyes at Phoenix, "Fine. Just this one time. And, I'm only helping you in this because this is important."

Phoenix smiled, "Thanks, Mione."

Hermione nodded, "You go ahead, I'll be here. Don't want her to get suspicious." Phoenix nodded and walked over to the Librarian. She was about to interrupt Madam Pince when she heard one of the students say, "We're sorry, Madam Pince. It's just the Quidditch season is near, and we need –"

"Quidditch! First Harry Potter, now this," Madam Pince snarled, "You will not be allowed to –" she fumed, but her words faltered when her eyes landed on Phoenix.

"Yes, Miss White?"

Phoenix smiled brightly at the witch as she walked up to her, "Hello, Madam Pince. Hope I'm not intruding. I was wondering if I could please borrow this book," she said, holding out the book for her to see. Pince looked at the book suspiciously, "And also, wanted to return this Transfiguration book," Phoenix added quickly, as she held out the Transfiguration book.

Madam Pince took the book eagerly, "I appreciate it, Miss White," she said, as she handed Phoenix the book, "Make sure to return it within a week." Phoenix nodded, "Thank you. Will do, Madam Pince."

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