Flying Lesson

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"I refuse to be late to the one class I've been looking forward to since the day I stepped foot in Hogwarts! Now, quit your whining and get your sorry arse off the table!"

Draco grunted as he took another bite of the apple, which Scarlett rudely snatched away from his hands, "It's just a flying lesson, do you even need it?"


"We have time! I doubt if anyone's even on the grounds yet," Draco said, picking another apple from the basket. Scarlett scrunched up her nose in disgust as he went on to take another huge bite of it, "Why do you even like these so much? They're so sour and bitter! It's like chewing up a hundred lemons in a go."

Draco looked at the green apple in his hand and shrugged, "I like them, and they're not that sour anyway. Here, try this," he said holding out his apple to Scarlett who immediately took a step back, "No, thank you."

"You know, you can still like apples even if they're not drenched in sugar."

"That sounds horrible," Scarlett shuddered.

"You'll rot your teeth before you hit puberty, I'm sure of it," Draco laughed as Scarlett turned her hair into the deepest shade of red along with green streaks which made her hair look like a candy cane.

"Granger's parents are apparently dentists, they ought to know how to fix them I reckon," she said pulling him off the table and looping her arm in his. "Speaking of dentists, I don't mind going to one. I think I might have broken a tooth or something from all the candy and chocolates I've eaten since last night."

"You have no self-control, do you?"

Scarlett rolled her eyes at his remark, "Of course, I do. The flowers in our dorm are still alive, aren't they?"

Draco stopped in his tracks and stared down at her, "The older we grow, the more concerned I get about you," Scarlett gasped at his words and clutched her hand to her chest, "I didn't know you cared about my well-being, Malfoy. That's so sweet!"

"Pun definitely intended," she added quickly, making him mutter, "We need to check that head of yours."

"Hey! It's not my fault that our dorm is filled with sweets. That's all on Nix," she said defensively. Ever since Phoenix had explained to her housemates about the spell she had cast, they hadn't stopped singing her praises. As a remark of gratitude, they had been showering Phoenix with some of the finest sweets and chocolates the wizarding world had to offer along with an occasional bouquet or two.

"Well, what she did was truly remarkable. Even Snape looked very impressed at dinner yesterday."

Scarlett nodded, "So was Flitwick. I still can't believe he awarded sixty points to Nix."

"She deserves more," Draco pointed out, "But I'm glad everyone sees it now." Scarlett nodded in agreement, "It's quite amazing watching Nix get flustered whenever someone comes up to her and thanks her." 

"Wonder when would that stop," said Draco, as he spotted Phoenix on the training grounds. She was shoving a huge bouquet down her bag and was failing miserably at it, as the flowers kept poking out of the bag.

"Need a hand?" Draco questioned, as he walked up to her. Scarlett looked up at him and added, "Or a trimmer."

Jack grinned as he walked up to her, "More flowers?"

"Thanks to you, yes."

"You're welcome," Jack bowed, as he handed her a chocolate frog making Phoenix raise her eyebrow.

"You have two seconds to get that thing out of my face, Lupin."

Jack looked over at Scarlett and threw the chocolate to her, "Here, catch!"

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