Halloween Tea Party

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"Meet us by the Black Lake in two hours sharp, clear?" Scarlett said, throwing her bag on her shoulder as Blaise and Daphne exchanged a silent look between themselves. But before either of them could respond, Scarlett bolted out of the classroom, leaving behind a frustrated Daphne and an annoyed Blaise, who sat there defeated, staring at each other.

"I am not moving an inch from here." Blaise declared as Daphne sent him a pointed look as she got off her desk. "Fine, stay here and entertain Binns. I, however, have better things to do than to sit and sulk in front of a dodgy old ghost," Daphne hissed angrily and stormed out of the class.

Draco rolled his eyes at Blaise and grabbed his arm pulling him out of the seat. Vincent and Gregory closely followed them snickering between themselves, as Draco kept dragging Blaise by the sleeve of his robe, despite Blaise's protests.

"I swear to Merlin, Zabini, I will hex you if you don't stop behaving like a child," threatened Draco as they made their way down the corridor.

"Let go of me!" Blaise snapped, pulling his arm from Draco's grip. Draco clenched his jaw, glaring at Blaise, "Keep your voice down and behave yourself! Otherwise, there will be no difference between those unruly Gryffindors and us."

Blaise scoffed as Vincent and Gregory burst out laughing. "Nice one, Malfoy."

Draco tilted his head and nodded at them, "See, even Crabbe and Goyle agree."

"I don't understand why you are with Scarlett on this one. Have you missed the part where Scar said to us that those Gryffindors will be there too?" Blaise questioned Draco, who clenched his fists next to his side.

"I have not, Zabini," Draco snapped as he continued, "But I do intend to keep my side of the bargain and show up for Scarlett's sake. Or have you forgotten about our promise already?"

"My memory like your judgement seems to have been impaired," Blaise grumbled under his breath.

"Heard that, Zabini."

"Good, maybe that ought to knock some sense in your head."

"Maybe I should knock your head with a bat," Draco retorted, "Then, maybe you can see that by agreeing to be a part of this gathering, I am trying to make a point."

"Enlighten me, Malfoy."

"Scarlett will finally realise that we don't mix. That she belongs with us, and not those Gryffindors," Draco replied before adding, "All we have to do is, hold our tongues, and watch as they make a fool out of themselves."

Blaise turned his head and looked at Draco sceptically, "You aren't planning to pick a fight with Lupin like how you did with Potter and Weasley, are you?"

"I don't have to," Draco laughed, "He's good at shooting himself in the foot just fine."

Blaise shook his head, "This, is exactly why I don't want to go. And not to mention, I don't even want to think how upset Scar will be if things don't go according to her plan."

"We will not be the ones to initiate anything, Blaise," Draco pointed out, "I don't want to see her upset either," he added, "I just want Scar to realise that she can't force two people to like each other. Especially, when they don't want to."

"Force two people to like each other?" Blaise asked frowning, "What are you talking about, Draco?"

Draco looked away clearing his throat, "I meant us, and those Gryffindors."

"Did you?" Blaise asked, narrowing his eyes at him, "Because I think it is about anything but that."

Draco rolled his eyes, "Haven't we established that your daftness is soaring through the roof today?"

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