[: Conquenes :]

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The Knights grabbed Mario and handcuffed him. Mario tried to stop them but, he was too wasted.

"Hey! *Hic* Wh-what the hellis goingonhere? *Hic*" Mario's words were slurring and He was completely red faced.

"We are taking yo to Princess Peach! Her orders not ours" One of the knights said

The knights escorted Mario out of the bar and to the Castle. Soon, Mario and the 3 knights arrived at the Castle. As they walked through the door Princess Peach and Princess Daisy turned to look at the half awake Mario. Mario looked terrible, His hat was barely on his head, his gloves in his pocket. Mario's hair was all messed up and gross. 

"Thank you boys" Princess Peach said with a smile as the knights walked by.

"Now to deal with you" Peach's voice went from kind to stern.

Princess Daisy and Princess Peach looked down at him. They were both pissed.

"Whatareyou *Hic* talking *Hic* aboutPrincess?" Mario said, at this point Mario was struggling to stand. 

"Ugh... Mario you hit an all time low." Princess Daisy says looking down at Mario

"Ummm... Princess Peach, I was told Mario was found kissing another girl at a bar" Toadsworth said as he slowly walked next to the Princess.

"MARIO DID WHAT?" Both Princess Peach and Princess Daisy both yelled looking at Toadsworth

"Th-thats only what I heard... I'll be leaving now, Goodbye Ladies" Toadsworth said backing away from the 2 Princesses.

Both Princess Peach and Princess Daisy look down at Mario with pure rage. 

"You fat mother fucker!" Princess Daisy yelled, Her voice was so loud it was almost like a scream.


Sorry it took me forever... Summer break has been weird at my house lately please forgive me

I will have the next chapter up soon!!!

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