[: "Cute" -Bowser :]

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the title spoils the plot hehe

As Jr. fell asleep, Luigi sat in his chair by his bed. Luigi thought about how lonely Bowser must be with only him alone in this castle at night. Luigi knows how dark it gets outside. The castles dark bricks and now very bright lights make the castle seem ominous and dark. Luigi thought about how nice some color would do to the castle. The kids rooms were the only colorful parts of the castle.

"Hmm" Luigi hummed.

(Luigi's pov)
I bet some pink flowers would look nice with the grays and reds of the castle. The paintings on the wall were either grey scaled or plain. Who even decorated this place? It's quite boring. I'll have to ask Riley about bringing some flowers and such over to the castle.

I walk down the halls of the large castle looking for the only person my height.

Why is everything and everybody so TALL! It's not fair I feel like a child in a world or GIANTS! Well technically they are... their giant lizard turtle monsters. They aren't like monsters from the books I was read as a kid. Bowser and them are all sweet things with emotions. Not evil creatures with heartless minds like Mario and Mama said. Maybe Dad was right. Monsters just need a hug. They have emotions and families. Bowser is no exception.

(3rd person pov)

Luigi stopped at the end of the hall looking into the throne room. There were 2 big thrones and smaller ones. One for Bowser and the littler ones for the kids.

"Why is there a second big thrown? Does Bowser have a Wife?" Luigi muttered.

Luigi thought for a second...
Bowser takes Peach because she's a princess and he needs someone to rule with. Bowser must be so lonely.

Luigi walked up to the throne noticing a set of small wooden stairs he could use to get up there. Luigi walked up the stairs finally reaching the top. He sat down. The throne was gold with velvet red cotton cushions. Luigi felt small in the large throne. He heard the main castle door open and saw Bowser.

"Ah shit... I'm dead." Luigi thought as Bowser noticed the human in the throne next to his.

"Luigi? Why are you sitting up there? Are you stuck... or are you pretending to be a royal like your brother?" Bowser asked, he seemed sweet.

"I was just curious... I'm sorry I'll get down." Luigi said, Luigi's voice was small and quiet.

"No no! You're fine I think it's cute. Your brother may as well be royalty so if you want to feel like a prince to them go ahead." Bowser said with a sharp toothy grin.

Bowser was such a sweet guy. Mario was so wrong about this big goofball.

Bowser helped Luigi down and they both walked past the thrones and out of the throne room. Luigi thought about Bowser's words and the only thing he could focus on was "I think it's cute" "cute" Luigi's face was almost red. Luigi looked up at Bowser.

"Hey, do you mind if I go out? I need some clothes and maybe some decorations for the castle. It seems dark and sad in here." Luigi said shyly.

"Oh? Alright. But I'll be sending Gage and Riley with you... I don't need you getting hurt or your 'Bother' taking you away from me." Bowser said, the jealousy from his voice when he mentioned Mario was very prominent.

(Luigi pov)
He's scared my brother will take me away? Is he jealous~? lol big scary turtle is jealous over me. Wait... he's jealous over me... WAIT HE CALLED ME CUTE. HE'S NICE TO ME. HE'S NOW JEALOUS OVER ME?! DOES BOWSER LIKE ME?

I look up at Bowser. He seemed upset over Mario still. I could feel my face heat up. I looked back down at the floor and heard Bowser chuckle a bit.

"Why are you so red Luigi?" Bowser said

He was right I was really red.

"I'm just embarrassed, sorry" I said

"You apologize too much. You have no reason to apologize over something you can't control. Emotions are something you feel no one can control them. You have no reason to apologize." Bowser said, his voice was soft and sincere.


I have a quick teaser for the next chapter

"Go on Luigi~ Bowser will like your outfit~" Riley teased.

Gage was sitting down next to Riley. Gage was trying not to laugh.

"RILEY THIS IS VERY VULGAR!" Luigi said loudly.

Luigi was very red. Luigi tugged lightly at the front of the skirt hoping that it could cover his legs a bit more.

"Oh come on! You look good in a pink maid dress." Gage said trying not to laugh.

—End of teaser—
lol I'm going to have lots of fun embarrassing Luigi. But I have a question.

Theirs a whole ass cult of you guys hating on Mario so what will Peach and Dasiy do with him?

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