Part 2

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The royal family came out of the carriage were greeted by the lords and ladies that were already set up there.

All went into the royal tent of the king. Rhaenyra walked around the tent looking at everyone before coming to a stop to listen to the ladies speak about the stepstones. Rhaenyra spoke what she believed in, that the crown was not at war but the princess shrugged off the other comments from the other ladies before taking a seat next to Alicent.

" I was hoping that I could ask you something" Rhaenyra spoke to Alicent.

" Of course Rhaenyra" Alicent spoke back to the princess with a smile on her face.

" I was hoping that I can speak to you truthfully about anything" Rhaenyra said

" Yes, you can Rhaenyra. I would like it if you came to me about anything". Alicent said

" I know that my father made me heir but that is the thing, he has two sons. He should make Baelon as his heir and Aegon in the line of succession. For me, I will find my way, maybe marry someone if you can help me with that". Rhaenyra spoke.

Alicent smiled, " I would be happy to Rhaenyra and if you like I will speak with him about how you feel."

The whole day everyone enjoyed the day, ate, and joined in the hunt. And later in the day they returned back to the palace. Alicent rested a bit in her room before going to see the king. When entering his rooms Alicent took a seat next to him. She thought about the right words to say to Viserys about what happened with Rhaenyra on the hunting trip.

Alicent talked with Viserys about Rhaenyra not wanting to be the heir and that having already two brothers that should be in the line of succession. Viserys was surprised that this was coming from Rhaenyra and how mature she acted with her words with Alicent and during the hunting trip in the king's woods. The next day during the council meeting viserys spoke to each member that sat at the table that he was changing the succession. That he was going to make his first born son his heir and his second born son the spare as it was supposed to be.

Each man at the table was more that pleased that the king changed his mind now everything would run smoothly.

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