Part 7

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In no time the Starks saw a dark Mass coming to them ever so slowly they may not sound but all knew what was coming and what it will be. The army of the North ready themselves for the battle that will come.

The Army outside of Castle better their fight, while the people inside the castle fired their bows trying to get as much dead as they can so they don't breach the castle. Each member of the Starks fought the dead while the wives were inside the crypts.

Each of the brothers fought on the other sides of the castle. Bran was in the godswood staying close to the tree and Theon stayed close to Bran, keeping Bran safe. The dead were coming in waves that ended.

The dead kept coming, the dead never stopped. But the people of the north did not stop they continued on their fight. They were going to go down fighting, but it was a lot. The Dead in no time breach Castle, the dead flood into the castle coming at the living. Jon was with Robb fighting inside the courtyard and Rickon was with his direwolf fighting on the east side of the castle.

Things started to change real fast meeting that it got colder. That meant that the night King was coming. Inside the God's wood the night King along with his lieutenants if you want to call him that came and looked upon bran and Theon. The site was something else, Theon looked at Bran before making his move.

Theon going to attempt to kill the night King. But that did not turn out correct the night King killed on so easily. The night King watched Theon slip away before turning his intentions on Bran.

The night king made his way to Bran. Bran stood his ground looking at the night king. The night king was about to kill Bran but that came to a stop when Jon came and stabbed the night king, being his sword threw the chest of the night king.

And in a blink of an eye the night king blew up into nothing. Then the dead soon followed after the night king.

Jon stood getting his breath and looking at Bran giving a small smile to him.

The following morning the ones that survived the battle buried the Dead. Later that day the surviving feasted and enjoy their time. After so long the dead was having gone, there was peace. There was no reason to fear the night anymore or the Dead. Everyone can go back to the regular lives fighting over Petty things. And the Starks remained strong and powerful. But the other kingdoms never knew what happened in the North, and they never will.

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