Part 6

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Raya was getting used to her new way of life. Being married again to someone that she never knew before, this one was a good man. He respected her, gave her everything that she asked for and treated her first born son with respect he deserved.

When a boy came of age they made the journey all the way to house Reyne in the Westerlands to become the lord. He stayed by her side giving her love when she lost her first husband. She was happy and soon enough she was able to give birth again to many children. 

3 years later

In the riverlands Raya was with her children in the courtyard of the castle. Watching her young sounds practice with sword training. But that's when things started to change. It was the weather things were starting to feel weird meaning that things were turning colder like something was in the air.

Raya looked around the courtyard looking up at the sky before moving back into the castle to go speak with her husband. Upon entering the castle going to her husband's office opening up the door she saw that her husband was reading a letter that a raven just dropped off.

That letter was from the north from her brothers. It was clear as day, that's something Beyond the Wall was coming. That from the wildings and members from Castle black telling their story of what they saw me on the wall. And so the north was acting quickly because this needed to be dealt with.

And not only she believed it so did her husband. But her husband told her that he was not going to act at least not yet and and he was not going to endanger her. And he took that letter sending the letter to King's Landing so the king can see it and he can act on it. When the king got the letter from Lord Mudd and the lord of the north.

We believed it to be true as well because of what the story has been told what the times over down the line to each heir of the Targaryens.

The King aegon knew he needed to act on this matter but he did not. He was conflicted on it both because he wanted to help but he did not want to endanger his people know himself. And if he acted the people might call him crazy because it will be hard to believe without seeing it with your own eyes. So the king did nothing he burned a letter right away. He made his choice on not helping the North.

When Robb got the news that no one was coming to their aid that it was just the North. But they have members of the Night's Watch and Wildlings along with some members of the Vale coming to the aid of house Stark.

In Kings Landing things went on as they did before nothing changed just the same old plots scheming so that others can be on top. In the North House of Winterfell Robb Stark was getting more frustrated with King, Robb knew that they needed more men because of the reports that they got from the others that this would be bloody fight that maybe they can win but they need more men and Robb knows that.

But the king is not acting and as a result Robb in his anger broke off the North from the other kingdoms, Rob made the north a single and independent Kingdom as it was before.

He sent the letter to the king about it and along with the other kingdoms as well that the north is free and independent Kingdom.

That got a lot of love from the north and his people that robb acted this way. But Robb knew that the king Aegon would be pissed about it but there was something that he could do because the march to the north is treacherous and hard to get to specially when winter is coming.

In King's Landing the king bought the letter from the north and flipped his table in anger. He trashed his whole room in anger kind of figure out what was his plan to do with the Starks now. That he thought he has two Starks in Kings Landing that are married to his Brothers he thought it'd be a good idea to use those too to get back at Robb Stark.

Maybe he thought that he can send some threatening letters to Robb Stark about his sisters maybe he would bend the knee and take back his words but he cannot be even more wrong.

Queen Margaery did what she could ease the king onto matters but there was nothing we should do. His mind was set but he missed something deeply and that his other brothers.

They found out that their brother, the King was going to do something to their wives and they were not okay with that. So they wanted to act and I did act it's been many years since their brother was King and he has not been doing a good job whatsoever.

But he was not equipped to be the king. So with that they made the choice on what they needed to do and that is doing the one thing that could help the realm.

That is the right thing that they need to do but they looked at every angle that could hurt them. Meaning by that house Tyrell is tied to them, their gold could help them a lot.

But they definitely cannot make the tyrell's an enemy to House Targaryen but sometimes you have to cross the line. So the two brothers discussed between themselves in secret and on top of that they were able to have two members of The King's Guard on their side to help them in this.

It was night time and Kings Landing all we're getting ready for bed and that is when the two brothers made their move. Inside the king's chamber the two brothers went inside see the king they're older brother to just have a chat with him about certain things.

With that hours passed between the three brothers inside the room they were talking drinking wine not knowing that was going to happen. That is when the two brothers made their move they murdered the king and no one knew.

Aemon, the Third born son to the late King and his brother Damon were able to get rid of their older brother's body and they brought it to the sept nicely dressed and ready for burial like nothing happened. Of course there was an investigation of sorts to figure out what happened to the king.

But nothing came to be fruitful, but for the queen Margaery she knew something was wrong very deeply she could see in the eyes of all these Lords and ladies that something was happening.

Like they were hiding something, like they knew something that she didn't know. So with that she thought she would be safe since she is queen regent and she has her princesses and her prince ready for the throne minus the age that the young prince is at but that does not happen.

Her fear grew inside the capitol and she needed the best choice that she can make was grab her children and head back to house Tyrell that is in the reach far away from the capital where she and her children can be safe until whatever threat she feels could be dealt with.

But that does not happen because Prince Damon close the roads that leads to the reach, where he had planned that the queen would only have to sail.

That's when she thought it'd be a good idea to sail across the narrow sea to essos and just wait out the coming storm but that again does not happen.

While on the ship a dreadful storm came and destroyed the ship with the queen and her children on board they were never seen again. After that that is when they acted.

Aemon was crowned as a new king and with that Sansa was crown queen of the kingdoms but mainly she is Queen of the six kingdoms because Robb is not taking it back. For the new king he was not bothered that the north broke off from the other kingdoms it didn't bother him one bit so he did not act on that.

But he still did not send any people to help the North on this fight that's going to come. And he kept the information away from Sansa. For Prince Damon he was called the spare since he follows right behind Aemon.

The North was still left to defend themselves they would get no help. The castle of the home of house Stark was gearing up for the battle that was truly come soon then late, all were growing  with fear which is understandable, because you can only imagine what will be coming.

All worked through the day getting in to the  tonight with dragon glass and setting up the castle ready for whatever the dead might throw at them.

Soldiers are set up outside the castle along with other weapons that can help them win this fight. With that John, Robb, Theon, rickon, and bran all stood together looking over the snow feeling the cold breeze that the night offered looking at Darkness waiting for the dead to appear.

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