To finish the first day back

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Their conversation kinda dies off as Mj focuses on drawing their expression. Peter just exhales a laugh and opens his lunch, laughing at the sight of left-over Thai food in he finds in the thermos he opens. The three sit in a comfortable silence with the soft scraping of Mj's pencil as she sketches.

It's not long before the bell rings and they begin to make their way towards their next few classes, splitting up and heading into different rooms, and for the first time that day, Peter has no one at his side.

He scurries towards his seat, trying to keep his metal legs footsteps lighter than his other to avoid drawing too much attention. Usually speaking with Ned would help cover the uneven-sounding steps, his shoes were also a great help in muffling it, but there was always that distinction. Maybe he's just paranoid, his hearing is better than everyone else's, but he doesn't want to risk it.

He settles in his seat, pulling his notebook out and waiting for the teacher to start class as the late bell rings.

"alright class, today we will be doing a review for the quiz tomorrow-" there's some groans from around the room but Miss Warren presses on, "so I will be assigning you all partners to work through the problems on the worksheet together."

She begins to walk around the room, placing papers on desks as she passes only to stop beside Peter, "Mister Parker, would you mind waiting by my desk while I pass these out? I would like to have a conversation with you."

Peter can feel the eyes of his classmates, curious and amused. He hears flash snicker somewhere behind him. He just nods his head and stands, leaving his desk to go stand besides the teachers. It's awkward and he feels like a first grader who misbehaved and called someone a stupid mean name like... like butt face or something. He shakes his head, his nerves getting to him. He's just happy the murmuring of the class hides his footsteps.

Miss Warren is back at her seat not long after, turning to face Peter as she begins to speak, "Now I know Ned has been collecting all the work you've been missing and I've graded it along side your classmates, but do not believe you will be getting any more special treatment Mister Parker, do you understand?"

"I... I'm sorry, I don't understand?" Peter murmurs, brows furrowed.

"I've had a strong attendance policy my entire employment here, Midtown high has had a strong attendance policy well before me. That policy usually means you have to attend some classes, only doing the work wouldn't be enough in most cases but Principle Morita said this was a special situation." She tilts her head down slightly and even though Peter is the one looking down at her he feels like she is looming over him, staring down her nose at him in disdain.

"I cannot be certain you did all this work on your own, that you did not search up the answers or had a classmate send you them. I like you, Mister Parker, but I do not like slackers. Return to your seat, get to work. I want you to complete the exercise without a partner." With that she turns to her computer, ending the conversation.

He turns and returns to his desk, once again flashes snickers reaching his ears along with a murmured, "at least one of these teachers put penis Parker in his place."

"just wait until P.E, Coach Moleskin will definitely do the same" Flashes partner replies, sending the two back into muffled snickers.

Peter slumps into his chair, sighing as he writes his name on the paper and begins to work. At least he was decent at physics.


During the entire class period, Peter wished for it to be over. The whispering of the other students, the heavy gaze of Miss Warren constantly on him as he worked, it was a nightmare. His leg bounced almost violently below the desk.

He was prepared for hostility from his peers, but Mister Stark had seemed so sure that the staff would understand.

The bell rings and the clatter of chairs scratching the floor fills the room. Peter waits a bit, not wanting to get in the middle of the throng of moving students. Then he hands Miss Warren the paper and hurries out of the room, eyes focused on his feet as he heads towards the gym.

He avoids the locker room at first, standing in the hallway as he watches his classmates go in, change clothes and come out. He wants to make sure the locker room is as empty as possible, everything echoed loudly in there and his footsteps will definitely be more noticeable. He is quick to duck inside when the last student exists, walking into one of the few semi private areas and quickly changes into his new gym clothes, the harsh lights glinting off of his metal limbs the moment they are revealed. He stops to take in his outfit when its all on, the glove on his hand that reached past his wrist, the baggy long sleeve shirt that had kinda bunched up around his inner elbow and the sweatpants with the school logo on his left thigh. beelining to the bleachers where Ned and MJ are already sitting with a few others, already changed.

"Hey Peter!" Betty exclaims, bringing everyones attention to him.

"Hey guys." Peter smiles, moving to sit beside Ned when he feels eyes on him and he looks up to find that Coach Moleskin was staring straight at him. Once he notices Peters eyes on him he beckons him over and Peter lets out a soft sigh, standing and walking over to his teacher.

"Yes, sir?" Peter sighs, already having an idea on where this conversation is going to go.

"Where is your uniform, Parker?" he questions, folding his arms over his chest while holding a clipboard in one hand.

"I'm wearing it?"

"Do you really think that that outfit is proper for this class?"

"I have an excuse-"

"Yes Parker, you have an excuse for the activities that will be done in the class and since I won't be able to grade you for said activity, all I can grade you on is your uniform. So you either put the proper uniform shirt on to get credit, or I fail you for the class" He states bluntly, an eyebrow raised as he stares Peter down.


"I don't want to hear any excuses Parker, either get changed or take the F." He snaps and Peter sighs, nodding his head as he turns and walks into the locker room. He drags his feet as he enters the private area, going to his locker and looking at his normal gym outfit.

He didn't know what he was going to do. Tears stung his eyes at the thought of wearing short sleeves and revealing to everyone the metal limb that replaced his right arm. Would taking the F be worth it to keep the secret? What would Mister Stark say?

His eyes land on the school sweatshirt that matches the sweatpants. It, too, was long sleeved.

His t-shirt wasn't school appropriate, but a sweater with the school's logo definitely was.

He yanks the gloves off and the shirt follows. He hadn't wanted to wear the sweatshirt, it always got too hot in the gym and he was never the best at staying cool in the heat, but if Coach wanted him inappropriate attire then he'll be inappropriate attire.

He keeps the gloves on but shoves his hands into his pockets to keep them hidden.

The way Coach Moleskins eye twitches as he glares at Peter is highly amusing to the teen and he hopes MJ catches sight of it to add yet another face to her "people in distress" book. Even Flash was glaring at him over his actions and Peter isn't surprised to learn that the boy had been eavesdropping.

He could tell that this stunt was bound to get him into more problems, but for now he didn't care.

After all, Peter was following the rules. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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