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Dave: Is about the same as normal Dave but there's changes. Dave is 21 and wears a dark blue turtle neck with a white ruler on the back, dark blue pants and his silver handicap (them things dave has on his legs). The right side side of his dark brown hair is kinda spiked upwards from a chemical blowing up in Muko's lab near him. He is kind but sometimes gets mad, this only happens if Tristan wakes up from a loud noise, any severe damage done on his property, his favorite mug getting shattered for the millionth time, etc.
He also has a soft spot for Muko because they have been friends ever since they were little.

Muko: Muko is a 24 year old chemistry teacher with long blonde hair thats usually in a ponytail that wears a lab coat with a flask on the back, black gloves, a hot pink shirt under it, has red pants with black boots, his labcoat mainly being weared when teaching class or in his basement doing chemical related experiments. He is a good friend to Dave and likes him alot (again being friends ever since they were kids) and also has a baby brother (who i will talk about next) thats only 4 years old, being born than 2 years later assassinated by someone. Leaving Muko to be scarred from that info, because of his family's death he is very protective of his baby brother, even when Dave goes near he'll watch just because he is a lil over protective over him. Muko is pretty kind to ppl he knows but at times he can have a small rage moment. His rage moments are caused by various things that you will find out later. he is also autistic and had a lil bit of PTSD. The PTSD caused by his family's murder.

Riku: Muko's 4 year old brother with the same blonde hair but he doesn't need glasses. He was born 2 years before his family murder (which he don't know about because Muko doesn't wanna have his brother be sad all the time) he wears a green and yellow striped shirt with dark blue jean shorts and green socks and black shoes. Riku is very sweet and very mischievous at the same time. He rarely causes mischief though, only when a sweet is in sight. He is also very clingy, as every morning he crys just to get Muko in hs room and with him.

Kiro (or "Faker muko"): He is 25 and he is a demon looking creature that looks mike Muko but with horns wings and a tail. Kiro shares the same name to Mukos older brother. Who died from a gunshot in the head and heart that might have been caused by the same person who killed Muko's mother and father. Kiro showed up to the 2d realm one day with no explanation at all. People think he is a bad omen and think he has brought a warning that danger is coming. So people fear him. the only people that dont are Muko, Riku, Tristan, and Expunged. The others either fear him or think he's bad news. Only if they knew the truth...

Bambi: A 35 year old smol corn farmer that has anger issues and very few people are allowed in without hs consent. Being Tristan, Expunged (despite disliking him), Dave, and Muko, Bandu he always asks permission and sometimes gets a yes. Other people never dare to try because someone one day waltzed in his farm and accidentally put them in a coma. He seems rough and very much so a baby asshole that acts like a 6 year old having a temper tantrum 24/7 at first but onc he gets used to you he's somewhat nicer. He always breaks a phone 24/7 so ig no one ever got the gist he needed a stress toy. He wears a green hat with a small flower barret on the left (its hard to see from afar), a brown bandanna that he was gifted to him from Dave on his birthday, a red shirt with dark blue jean overalls that has a white corn symbol on the back with yellow buttons on the straps.

Expunged: A chaos god with a unconfirmed age that ppl do fear cause he likes to caus havoc and torture ppl. With that info Muko is suspecting he's the one who killed his family and Kiro (not faker muko), despite reassuring him he didn't touch them. He is a pretty evil guy that seemingly doesn't like Bandu as a brother (tho he secretly cares REHEHEHEHE-) and normally makes his bambi minions to do chores, or just kidnap Bambi or Dave for fun, Sometimes Tristan. But never Riku because the time he did that welp, he learned quickly that Muko in his overprotective and pissed stage isnt fun to deal with oh no no no. sure hes a god and powerful and you might be thinking "bruh he can just poof him back to the 2d realm". I say nay nay. Pissed muko has caused problems for Expunged in a way he didn't see coming, manipulation. SO yea not fun for him so thats why he never touched Riku again. He wears a red hat with a point on top with a dark grey almost black rim. Dark in skin color. He wears a red shirt with a red cloak with a dark gry almost black design with a white virus eye on the front cloak that doesn't cover his body but half of it. Dark grey almost black belt and pants. And wears red gloves that has a red glow to them (it's dim though), and his dark grey almost black tail with the red tail floof at the end thats n his true form aswell.

Bandu: Another chaos god with unconfirmed age. He's a goofy goober that loves phones candy (most preferably gumballs) ans apple slices. He loves his brother but feels a little bit sad to think that his brother doesn't feel the same way. Is very great friends with Tristan, because despite being another chaos god he acts like Tristan at times. He wears a Green hat (but is rounder on the rim and top. A cloak like Expunged's but different. instead of red and dark grey almost black its bright green and white. with a white phone on the back. And a white circle with a green X in the center and breaking the circle into fourths. A dark blue belt and pants, and his glowing cyan tain from his origin form.

Tristan: Dave's 10 year old adopted son. He acts alot like Bandu and vice versa (dont ask how that works), as of Tristan being a goofy goober aswell. He doesn't know who his true father or mother is (was given to Dave when he was only 1 year old. He aso enjoys playing with Riku whenever he comes along woth Dave to visit Muko. Muko trusts him because they are both kids and Tristan has been taking babysitting lessons aswell as math lessons (dw he also trusts Dave too but its just an odd feeling he gets so he kinda supervised him). So Muko trusts him. He wears a Red and Yellow striped long sleeve sweater thats a lil bit to big for him with a white heart design on the back. He has a yellow skin tone. He also has grown to be a little bit floofy. The HAIR text thats on his head can change to whatever he wants. Mostly to an emotion or feeling he's feeling, and he wears blue pants and yellow boots.

Garrett (GFAG NOT DFAC, also hes here because he's my fave character, idc if he technically isnt a DnB character anymore hes still coming >:] ): Garrett is a 15 year old animal lover that wants to become either a animal teacher or a zookeeper when he grows to 19. He visits Dave, Muko, or even Bambi sometimes to hang out. He also loves to visit Ringi (Garrett and Ringi are friends but they aren't besties) so he can play with Yoio (If you dont now Yoio is the cat the lives in the side of Ringi's head). Other than animals he also just likes to hang out with people and socialize. He has blonde hair that is slightly spiky (but its soft i say spiky as in the hair strands kinda represent spikes ig?? please forgive me in not good at descriptions DX) with a long nose that points to the right, a green turtleneck sweater with a white cat symbol on the back. light blue pants, and red shoes.

SIDE CHARACTERS (as in they dont show up much just here and there)
> Ringi
>Dandi and Wedsen
> The GFAG and DFAC crews.

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