Chapter Two: Entity

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Tristan's POV*
Me and Riku were just playing around until Riku got tired. So I helped him up in his bed and let him sleep. But as soon as I went to leave he started to cry. I instantly turned around and saw a shadow for a split second, but disappeared. At that moment he calmed down and was silent. I was at confusion but thought it was his head imagining things again (not that he's insane or hallucinating he just imagines things at times.) and didn't let it get to me so I shut the door silently. Than dad came to me. "Alright Tristan it's time to go we have stuff to do, plus you still need to finish that assessment that I cut short since we were going here." Dad said to me as I sighed. "Ok dad, but after the assessment can I go to the ice cream shop?" I asked. "If you get it done swiftly. Now come one we don't wanna wake up Muko or Riku." He said as he glanced at the door I'm guessing Muko's behind. He looked worried but didn't want to ask because I didn't want to but in and get into their business. Than we left.

I loomed over the small man. He seemed to be falling for it. But I will wait since I never know what mortals like these are capable of, not that I can't kill him if he attempts to kill me. He was alone now that those two are gone. I haven't seen anyone like him before. Despite having a normal mortal look I sense.. their might be more to him that what meets the eye. I sense theirs something in him that makes him different. "I'll be here.. no one can make me go away.. but you.." I said in a whisper. He seemed to have heard me and I could tell he shuddered. I hear a knock on the door. Giving me the que to leave.

Bambi's POV*
- KNOCKS ON DOOR VIOLENTLY - "Muko hellooooo?? Muko please come here I need to tell you something." - No response - "..... MUKO!" I shouted. What, does he expect me to open the door? I can't even reach the goddamn doorknob! He should know that by now! "MU-" I yelled but put to a halt by Dave being right behind me and picking me up to cover my mouth. "Bambi shut the fuck up he's sleeping." He whispered to me with an irritated tone. I tried to talk but him and was covering my mouth. "Whatever you wanna tell him tell him later when he isn't sleeping." He said to me but with calmer tone. He places me down uncovering my mouth. "Alright geez, but maybe DON'T ambush me from behind? Maybe a warning next time would have been better." I told him as I was irritated about what he did. "I'm sorry it just, bugs the shit out of me whenever you do that." He replied with a sigh. "I mean- but again how the hell was I supposed to know he was sleeping? There's no sign saying "I'm sleeping you small dumbass"." I told him. "Bambi I think I'm gonna have to teach you proper manners." He said. "Says the one swearing more than usual and ambushing me." I said as I turned and crossed my hands (A/N idk how to make two hands that aren't connected to anything make a crossed arm pose I'm sorryy-). "Ok one, I'm an adult I can swear, two in sorry for "ambushing" you." He said in his nervous voice that he normally used when he tends to have a bit a guilt and regret. Or when he gets nervous. "It's fine your forgiven, just give Muko this message." I said as he hands him a folded peice of paper he pulled out of his one pocket. Than I turned to and headed back to my precious farm. But I felt I wasn't alone.

Dave and Bambi controlled victims -- A Dave and Bambi AuKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat