You Know What They Say About Guys With Big Feet

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The weekend has finally arrived. Well not yet really, but it's Friday morning and I'm sitting in my first hour class waiting for the volleyball team to be called down. For some reason the tournament organizers set the it up where you only miss extra days of school if you go into the finals. Apparently, the board of the tournament is doing this stupid campaign about educated athletes. But honestly, I couldn't care less.

Thankfully, I packed my stuff last night. The downside of that is, I had to haul all my luggage to school with me this morning. Thank God my parents bought me a car. I never really drive it much, just to school and back really. I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the intercom sounding over our heads. "Ladies that are participating in the Winter Classic this weekend, please come down to the office. You will be leaving in 15 minutes. Thank you and good luck." the voice said. As I got up to leave, I heard my teacher saying, "Not you Morris and Wallace. Sit back down please." I chuckled at them. The retorted saying, "But we want to cheer Emily on. Please?" "Sit. Now." Ms.Parson mumbled. "Well somebody's on their period this week don't you think Kam?" Marcus uttered. I walked out after that not wanting to hear what else would happen.

"Alright ladies! Everybody got their stuff? Let's go!" my coach announced.

I walked onto the charter bus thanking the gods for it. I wouldn't be able to stand staying on a normal school bus for our hours. It is painted with our school colors and has our logo on it. As well as our mascot and each sport's ball that we play on it. A year or two the transportation office got so many complaints, they finally decided to purchase this bus. They say it's only because they want all the star athletes to be as comfy and content before the games, but really, it's because they didn't want to be terrorized by 6'6 football and basketball players. Ahem, Marcus, Kam, and Cj.

As I walked up the steps, I greeted our driver, Mr. James. He was a nice old man. He drove almost every time. I went to my seat and imediatly put my Beats on. Blocking out the rest of the world. We were about an hour and a half into the drive, and I distinctly heard my name. I took off my beats and listened to the conversation my teamates were having. They noticed me and said, "Hey Emily, I heard you hooked up with some boy from the private school." Another said, "Yeah, I heard it was Chandler Hunt." See Chandler Hunt, is the dream boy of most girls. Nice hair, pretty face, hot body, and the money. I have to admit, if he asked me to go on a date with him, I wouldn't decline. Only thing is, he goes to Dayview Prep School for Boys. "Well, I hope I had a good time." I said winking.


We finally arrived to the hotel that all the teams were staying in. Each team takes up about half a floor. So the workers had to make sure there weren't two teams on the same floor. This was because a couple years ago two teams were on the same floor and pulled pranks on each other the entire weekend. This resulted in them being disqualified from the tournament.

We got our room keys and split up. Kiley and I immediatly went to our room. We put our stuff away and went to the others girls rooms. "Hey, we are about to go swim. Wanna join us?" a girl named Kari asked. "Um, I don-" Kiley turned to look at me. "Just Kiley have fun. Get some hot guy's number." I said smiling. So off they went. I was left to wander around by myself.

As I was walking down one of the hallways, I heard a voie behind me say "Good, you finally arrived. I was getting worried you bailed out." I froze on the spot I knew who it was. Gage Rivers. I turned around and saw him smirking.

"Surprise baby girl" he smirked

As I walked up I took note of what he was wearing. Black Nike joggers, a UK hoodie, and black vans. Honestly it looked super comfy and drool-worthy. Not that I thought that or anything.

I said the first thing that came to my mind, "I like your shoes. What size are they?" Mental face palm. Nice Emily.

"13 and half." My mouth made an 'O' shape. "You know what they say about guys with big feet." he winked

I absolutely despise him right now for being so hot, but such an ass at the same

time. "Yeah, that they have big egos. I'm surprised you can fit through a door." I smirked back.

"That's cute. But we all know what it means baby girl. Why don't we head back to my room and we can test that theory." he slyly said

"Sorry I've got better things to do then see your sad excuse of a dick." I shot back and I turned around.

"Alright, good chat. See you later. By the way I love our outfit. You look great."

I looked down to see my self wearing Adidas Joggers, a Louisiana State hoodie, Sperry's, with my hair in a messy bun. I blushed, big time. "See ya" I said as I waved.

"Wait no I was joking!" he exclaimed running after me. "I wanted to stay and talk to you. Want to hit up Starbucks?" he asked

"Um yea sure" I said cautiously

"Great" he said smiling

We walked down to Starbucks making sure no one from any of the teams were down there. We didn't need any rumors getting back to school about who was hanging out with who. Especially if it involved Gage and I.

"Hi, yes I would like a medium Double Chocolaty Chipp Frappe please" I ordered

"I'll have the same thing" Gage said

"Alright, your total wil be 8.79" th barista said

I dug in my pockets to get out some money. "It's alright I got it" Gage smiled at me

"But-" I was cut off. "No buts, I'm paying." he demanded

I sighed giving up. We got our drinks and sat in the back in case anybody from the tournament came in. We made small talk, and when I looked at my phone I noticed it was 10:56. "I am so sorry, but I have to get back to my room! Goodnight Gage." I said as I ran off.

I got back to my room and Kiley was already asleep. Tomorrow was game day. The first two games would determine what bracket we are in. But instead of falling asleep dreaming about winning, I couldn't fall asleep at all because of a certain boy wearing a UK hoodie.

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