Sweet, Sweet, Cream

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"Kiley c'mon wake up! It's another easy day. You can do it. All you have to do is get up." I nudged the sleeping Kiley. You see, Kiley can be very hard to wake up if she has been in a deep sleep. Which she obviously is because she hasn't moved one bit. Yesterday was an easy day. We only played one game in the afternoon. We didn't have to get up very early, but of course I still did to workout. So far only 12 teams are left. I know it seems like alot, but since this is a region tournament, there's a lot of teams. Normally to start with, there's about 30-35 teams. That's why the tournament can take up to a week.

"But why do we have to play so early?" she moaned into the pillow

"Because once we kick their butts, they're out of the tournament, and have to sulk all the way home?" I tried to convince her, but it came out as more of a question.

"Okay fineeeeeee" she whined trudging slowly but surely to get ready

I was praying she would hurry up. I woke her up later than planned because I got back to the room later than normal. This was because I woke up late. I was up all night thinking. Gage may or may not of crossed my mind. It just kind of happened I guess. I didn't WANT to think about him. Obviously.

"Dude are you ready? C'mon!" Kiley said snapping her fingers in front of my face. Excuse me ma'am, but I am not a dog.

"Yes, but why are you snapping in front of my face?" I asked giving her a weird look

"You've been zoned out or something. I've tried asking you three times, and all you did was stare at me." she stated

"Oh okay, let's go kick some aces!" I cried

"Emily please stop. It's 7:20 in the morning. I do not need you making corny volleyball jokes this early." she muttered as we headed to the elevator. Well I thought it was funny.

As we walked into where we would be playing, I noticed it was a very small crowd. Just some friends and families here to watch. But then I noticed someone I did not expect to see. There they were, Marcus, Nick, Kaylon, Kam, and the others. Oh man I thought when I saw them. But my second thought was "Why aren't they in school?!?!" after all it is Tuesday. 

"Hey boys!" Veronica screeched

"Ayeee Veronica!" they cheered back. Soon enough we were on the court and the ball was being served.

I heard a small group of people cheering to my left as we scored the winning point. That was a pretty easy game. I shook my head at the boys' idiotic-ness.

"Let's go celebrate!" Kiley cheered out. Everyone cheered back in agreement. Oh Kiley, never caring about the losing team's feelings. Ah yes, sweet, sweet, cream.


"Are you gonna go with us?" Kiley asked while digging around in her suitcase

"Yea I will, I'm just gonna lay up here for a bit. Feeling pretty tired." I said laying down on my bed and looking up at the ceiling.

"Okay see you then." she said leaving me to be alone. No doubt everyone was gonna be down at the pool. We always did that after we won a game at a tournament.

"Hey there sunshine." a low voices speaks

I jump up as soon as I hear it. "Marcus!" I run over to him and jump into his arms. I know what you're thinking. No Marcus and I have no love life or anything of the sort. Sure we love each other, but as brother and sister. Clad in his grey joggers and UK hoodie he smiled down at me. The design reminding me of the Starbucks date Gage and I had a couple nights back. Except it wasn't a date. Not a date. Of course he would wear his University of Kentucky hoodie to our tournament..in Kentucky. Great logic Marcus. Marcus and I have always been best friends. Ever since he came to our district in third grade, we've been glued to the hip. We come from different backgrounds, but couldn't care less. We could be siblings, excluding our skin color. But that doesn't hold us back.

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