My math teacher knows?!?!

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Skip to Monday--------

I walk into my school and I am instantly greeted by hi's and hey's and good game last week's. I walk over to my group of close friends.

"Hey guys!" I say

Hey' and what's up's are being shot aroud. You see I've got a close group of friends that surround me. There's Alyssa and Kiley. They're my best freinds besides Tina of course. Alyssa has light pale skin, with long, realy curly, brown hair, and dark brown eyes. Then Kiley who's got light brow hair, caramel eyes, and tan skin. She plays on the volleyball team with me.

"Hey Emiy. Nice game Friday night!" my friend Kam said. He plays basketball along with my other friend Cj. They're like brothers to me.

Soon enough the bell rang and we headed to math.


'Good morning guys!' my math teacher, Ms.Parson said. She's a younger lady, probably early twenties, and really funny.

After that I started to zone out.


"Mrs.Wilson!" Ms.Parson yelled as I was walking out the door.

"Yes?" I asked

"May I talk to you?"

"Sure" I said as I walked over to her desk

She sat down at her desk and looked up at me. "Are you feeling all right Emily?"

"Um, yes why?" I asked clearly confused

"You normally pay attention and participate in class. You one of my best students." she explained

"I'm sorry Ms.Parson I've just had some stuff on my mind."

"Emily, did you maybe meet some boy over the weekend and just can't stop thinking about him?" she asked smirking

"Ms.Parson! I certainly did not!" I said flustered

"Ok ok Emily calm down. You're dismissed." she said laughing

I walked out shaking my head and smiling to myself. Little did she know, may of been right.

Soon enough my favorite class besides P.E. came. Lunch.


"Heys guys." I said as I sat down at our lunch table. You see everyody in my lunch hour just kind of congragates to their separate tables on the first day of school. Then they sit there for the rest of the year.

"Hey Emily, I heard you met a certain someone this weekend at your game." my friend Alex said.

"Yea, that Mr.Prince charming came into save you after you injury" my other friend Nick teased. Alex and Nick high-fived each other. See Alex and Nick both know Gage from select basketball and have become good friends over the past couple of years. So of course they heard about Gage and I's run-in.

"Yes I did run into Gage thank you very much. And NO I had already gotten ice and a bandage from the line-judge." I shot back.

"Oh! Was the line judge hot?" Alyssa asked suddenly interested in the conversation.

"It was a girl. Sorry." I said shrugging

"But was she hot?!" a couple of my guy friends asked excitedly

"I don't know! But she's a middle hitter for the Bombers. I went to club tryouts with her. And before you ask, no, you may not get her number. She's a couple years older and WAY taller than all of you anyway."

"Dam it." a few of them muttered

"Ok, but for real Emily, why were you with Gage?" Kiley asked

"Well you know how I hurt my wrist when I went up for that block?" she nodded. "Well I guess I jumped too early cause it hit my wrist instead of my hands. And the hitter was his sister Courtney it turns out! When Coach told me to go to the locker room I ran into him. Then he also might've gotten my Instagram, and then got my Kik through DMs."

"OMG YAS BOO YAS YOU GO GURL GET IT!" my friend Mekayla screeched out

"Mekayla calm down it's not like it meant anything anyway." I assured her

"What's nothing?" Kam asked as him and Cj as they sat down

"Oh, Emily got Gage River's Instagram and Kik. They probably also sent dirty pictures." my friend Derek said as Cj and Kam sat there with their mouths dropped open.

"We did not send dirty pictures Derek, shut the hell up." I snapped. Right after Derek made his comment I heard Nick mutter "She probably wanted them" but didn't even acknowledge it.

"That's not what were worried about." Cj said sounding cautious glancing over at Kam

"Then what are you worried about?" I asked curiously

"You realize that Gage is on the Wolfside Warrior's team right?" I nodded. "And that most of your friends are on our basketball team?" I nodded again. "They're like our arch-rivals and we're playing them in the championships in a few weeks." Kam stated

"Yea I know. Nothing is going to happen between us. So chill out." I reassured him.

As I said this I wondered if it were bad that a little part of me wanted something to happen. But he's dangerous. And he has a girlfriend! But she is cheating on him. That's old news. If he does something to act on whatever this is I think I'm just gonna wing it.

As soon as I thought that my phone dinged and everybody looked at me. I looked at my phone and the only words that came out of my mouth were "Oh my god."

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