70. Chemistry

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Jimin went to Busan to spend some time with his family. Jimin's mother was very eager to see you after a long time. 

But you couldn't go, because your exams are knocking at the door, and you are turning your world upside down with lot of pressure.

You always think that if Jimin wasn't here to support and encourage you, you wouldn't be able to do well.

And now you both are talking after you came home from your extra classes. Well... basically you are talking and he is listening.

You: Today was so tough. Teacher gave us lots of work from chemistry. And you know how much I hate chemistry. There are thousands of chemical reactions. Reactions after reactions. Now tell me one thing. What will we do after learning how to make alcohol?

Jimin: It-

You: I mean I am reading it since my ninth grade. Isn't it illegal for those who are underaged. then what is the benefit to learn about it. And as if math book wasn't enough, chemistry book has its' own math. Like seriously! 

Jimin: Yeah-

You: And let's not talk about organic chemistry. It has really its' own pride. We have to know like from A to Z. Who invented those compounds, how can we get them, what will we get from them, uses of them. So much study in chemistry. I wish I could rip apart the chemistry subject.

After ranting your anger on chemistry, you take a deep breath and look at your phone which is placed in front of you.

After ranting your anger on chemistry, you take a deep breath and look at your phone which is placed in front of you

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You: Why are you laughing?

You whined when you saw him laughing.

Jimin: It's just that... you were looking so cute while ranting, all pouty and angry.

You: Jimin!

He laughs loudly when you whine while again pouting.

[A/N: One important note. I seriously hate the whole chemistry subject. Specially organic chemistry. I am sure those who have read this subject, can relate to this pain. Comment down who also hate this subject.]

[And don't forget to vote!!! Thank you.]

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