My Fintastic Afternoon

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Your POV

Startled, I immediately pulled back, gasping in surprise. Germany looked shocked, seemingly debating what to do before moving backwards to give me some space. I watched as he immediately pulled out his phone, but before he began texting me, I laid my hand on his.

"There's no reason to apologize. It was an accident." Wanting to suddenly get out of this awkward moment, I motioned towards the door. "Come on. We have..." I had to count on my fingers,"...8 more countries to find, and they're spread out all over the city."

Germany nodded and led the way out, walking to the right of me. As we walked, we discovered that since America was part fish, it would only be logical that he's near or in some place with water. We first headed over to Bath Central and he was nowhere in sight, so we went to Raging Waters Water Park, but he wasn't there, either. Half an hour later, we were stuck. Scratching my head I sighed, frustrated. "Where else can we look? We've not even covered half the city!"

Germany shrugged, secretly upset that I was stressed about this. Suddenly, he inaudibly gasped. Pulling out his phone, he texted me.


"We have an aquarium?" He nodded. "Where is it?" He pointed west from where we were at and motioned for me to follow him. 20 minutes later, we were outside White Water Reef Aquarium, where there were several people gawking around one tank. Making our way over, we both stood in shock at what was happening.

Canada, still in female half-bunny form, was struggling to get out of the large tank. Meanwhile, Alfred was laughing up a storm, swimming around freely and smoothly as if he were Aqua Lad. When Madeline saw us push our way through the crowd (well, I didn't do any pushing- Ludwig just kinda gave the people around the tank a look and they backed up, despite him being part cat), she sighed in relief.

"Oh, thank goodness!" She exclaimed, half of her body hanging over the rim. Ludwig and I ran up the steps on the side of the tank, walking across the small catwalk.

"Madeline! What happened?" I pulled her out of the water with Ludwig's help and she squeezed the water out of her hair, resting her head on his shoulder. It made me feel so bad for her, sitting here soaking wet, that she had to deal with this. Her face was set in a frown and her long, dripping bunny ears drooped down.

Tired, she pointed to the obnoxious fish-man in the tank. "He happened." Slightly mad, I leaned over the catwalk and shook my fist at Alfred. "Alfred! Get over here! I have half a mind to..." I continued to rant as he swam over to me, not noticing the smirk on his face. Madeline spoke up softly, but I didn't hear her, to upset to stop scolding Alfred. After my tirade, he motioned me closer. "Come on in, (Name)! Just take a second and relax; the water's fine!"

And with one tug of my ankle, he pulled me in the water.

I was under for 5 seconds in surprise, then I swam to the surface, gasping and sputtering for breath. Outside the tank, Madeline was asking me if I was OK over and over. Ludwig was so surprised that he was frantically mouthing out words, forgetting for a moment that he was mute. Glaring angrily at Alfred, who was laughing up a storm until he saw my furious expression, I made my way to the catwalk, where Ludwig hoisted me up. I flopped onto his lap, coughed a bit, and sighed.

"So that's what happened." All Maddie could do was nod.

Alfred came closer. "Heh...sorry. It's just that since I'm part fish, I need water, dude! Like, I start getting heat flashes and really dizzy and stuff and I was like 'What if I die as a fish?' So my first thought was to come here!"

I nodded. "Well, Germany's helping me fix things, and to do that, we need everyone back at the WMC so that we can come up with an antidote." Alfred gave me a hopeful expression. "How am I gonna get there?" "Yeah, and now we need new clothes," Madeline added, pulling at her wet shirt.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2016 ⏰

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