Almost Ready

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"Move the banner a little to the left."

"It's fine the way it is, mon cher!"

"No, it's not, (Name)'s right! I can clearly see the midway line over the banner on the wall, aru!"

"We stop arguing now, da? My arms are getting a bit tired..."

Russia held the right side of the banner with one hand, so he could shake the other one and get the soreness out.

"Yes, we need to hurry up; I still have to make sure everyone else is doing their part," Germany added around the pin in his mouth, shifting the left part of the banner slightly towards him.

"Stop! Perfect!" I gave them the thumbs-up, and the 2 of them pinned their sides of the banner, stepping off of the ladders. The red banner with white letters spelling 'Welcome to the Holiday Party!' hung proudly, front and center.

The rest of the room was almost done. A fun Christmas-themed tablecloth was laid out on the long meeting table, covered in various foods brought in by the countries that came early to help decorate. A number of coolers were around the table too, to hold drinks in. A multitude of stringed lights, courtesy of America, were suspended from the ceiling, as well as lovely soft-glowing snowflakes, courtesy of France.

Along the walls were red, white, and green streamers, and many other banners were hung, saying 'Merry Christmas' in different languages. There were wreaths on all of the doors and windows, though none blocked the light snowfall happening outside, and a small number of mistletoe hanging about. I fervently hoped I wouldn't have to kiss anyone that bad.

As China offered to take the ladders to America and France, who were still putting up other decorations, I stood to admire the snack table: chips and dip, pretzels, (favorite snack), Chex Mix, as well as multicultural dishes, such as Hors d'oeuvres, Chinese Stir-fry, Borscht, and (unfortunately) Scones.

A hand on my shoulder brought me back to the World Meeting Room. I turned to see who it was and was greeted with forest green eyes, accompanied by large, bushy eyebrows.


"Hey, Arthur! What's up?" I greeted him with a smile.

"Hello, (Name). I just wanted to compliment you on your party-planning skills. The place looks phenomenal!" His eyes circled the room, admiring the decorations. I gave him an appreciative grin.

"Yeah! Things are really coming along, especially with Germany helping me take charge of everything!"

"Yes, he is moving things along quite well," he responded. "Is there anything else I can do?"

"Well..." I thought for a bit. Taking a couple of steps forward, I glanced at the coolers around the large oval table. "Actually, we seem to be short on drinks- even with a pack of beer, a box of (favorite drink), and 2 bottles of wine, we might fall short later...and we could need more food be-" "Hey, you guys!" America walked up to us and put his arm around my shoulder.

"You git! We're trying to have a conversation here!" England glared at the younger country.

"Calm down, dude, I just wanted to see how my best bud's doing!" He flashed a happy, yet apologetic, smile at him. "Anyway, I couldn't help but to overhear your problem, and I'll be happy to help in any way I can- that's what heroes do, of course!"

"Well," England started, "we've got this issue under control. I have drinks prepared at my home, so-"

"How about if I get them for you?"

"Really?" England and I said together- I sounding more enthusiastic, him sounding surprised, to say the least.

"Totally! I was heading over to my place to get some snacks, anyway, so on my way there, I'll stop by yours!"

"I find this completely-"

"That's a wonderful idea, Alfie!" I cut in, sending Arthur a cautious look. "Isn't it, Arthur?"

He mumbled a half-hearted Sure under his breath.

"Great! Now, if you could..." Alfred held his hand out expectantly, raising his eyebrows a bit.

Arthur stared at it a bit before reaching in his pocket and reluctantly placing his keys in the hand of the waiting American. I heard China call me from over by the back of the room, so I bid the two of them goodbye- but not before whispering a very convenient observation to Alfred, who smirked in return, giving me a nod.

England watched me walk away, then turned his attention back to his former colony. "Now, the sodas are in a wooden crate on the floor next to a desk. And under no circumstances should you go into my magic room. Do you hear me? Don't go in the magic room! That's not where they are!"

"Yeah, yeah, I read you loud and clear, man!" Alfred gave Arthur a big thumbs up. "But before I go..." "What? What is it?"

America pointed upwards.

"Just come out with it al-" His short rant was stopped as he looked to the ceiling, a precarious bundle of berries and leaves suspended over both of their heads. Mistletoe.

"So? How's about a Christmas kiss?"

Arthur sputtered.

"A-Absolutely not, t-that's preposterous! Why the bloody hell would I perform such an absurd task such as-" The hand slowly creeping to his neck made him pause.

"Come on, Iggy, just for the holidays, right?" America urged him on.



"...Fine. But don't tell anyone, or I will personally burn down every fast-food restaurant within a 5-mile radius of here."


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