Party Pooper

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"Alright, here we are!" America exclaimed, pulling up to the Brit's house. He parked his car, pulled the keys out of the ignition, and stepped out, pulling out England's keys and unlocking the front door.

Stepping inside, he looked at the familiar foyer before walking straight through it to get to the other side.

"Wow. You'd think, after 40 years, he'd get a change of scenery."

Crossing the room, he saw, to his right, the kitchen. To his immediate left, there was a staircase and, a little farther up, a long hallway with a bunch of doors.

He took a moment to think to himself.

"Now, what exactly did Britain say? Something about a desk..."

A little animated bubble appeared to stem from his head, with an image of Chibi!England.

"Now, the sodas are in a wooden crate on the floor next to a desk. And under no circumstances should you go past my magic room. Do you understand? Go in the magic room! That's where they are!"

"Oh! Right!" Pffft. "I knew that!"

Smiling the whole way, he opened the door that hid England's most mysterious secrets, taking three steps before almost tripping on a large box.

"Whoa! What the heck? Who just leaves a-" Clink clink. A closer look at the box revealed a bunch of clear bottles filled with colorful liquids. Conveniently placed next to a desk that had a built-in mirror and different spices on it.

"Sweet! This must be it!"

Picking up the medium-sized box, he began to walk out of the room, holding the box under one arm so he could open the front door.

For some reason, something didn't feel right. His subconscious voiced the suspicious thought for him.

'Didn't Britain say a wooden crate? This is a cardboard box!'

"Yeah, but come on, it's Britain! You know he has a different way of saying things! It's like how he calls potato chips 'crisps'. Totally for no reason!" He said to no one in particular.

Placing the box in the back seat, he stared at it for a bit before taking one out and popping the cap. He let the red liquid flow down his throat.

"That's really good strawberry soda! S'got a great aftertaste!"

Buckling it up, he walked up to the house one last time to make sure that he locked the door, then got in his car and drove away.

"Okay! Now let's go get the hero's stuff!"


"Hello, Feli! How are you?"

"It's nice to see you, Romano!"

"Glad you could make it, Japan."

Slowly but surely, more countries began coming through the big wooden doors at around 11:00- some bringing food, others carrying drinks they had at home to share.

The idea was that they'd all come here at an hour to midnight. When the clock struck 12, it would be Christmas! They'd be able to spend it with all of their closest friends and family in one room, and also give gifts to the nations going back to their home country for the holidays.

Being a country for a while, I didn't have much family left, but I considered these nations to be my family and my friends!

...Especially one country that I really wanted to be close to...'more than friends' close to...

A sudden shout distracted my thought process.

"The Great Prussia is here! Suck it, losers!!!!"

I smiled. Oh, Prussia.

I stepped over to him, who was also accompanied by Spain, and gave them a hug.

"Hey, Spain and Prussia! Welcome to the party and Happy Holidays!"

"Feliz Navidad, (Name)!"

"Froehliche Weihnachten, Frau!"

I chuckled once I got a look at what they were wearing: ridiculous Christmas sweaters- Gilbert in a red one, Antonio in a green one. Gil grinned at me.

"Aww, don't be jealous. I got you something, too!" Reaching into one of the bags they had, he pulled out 2 sweaters, one red and long-sleeved, and one green sweater vest-both with matching designs. Spain went though the other bag, pulling out a white sweater that matched theirs, and began walking towards Francis. "The red one is for you. It goes with your green pants!"

Taking the sweater, I put it on over my current shirt, then looped my arms out to pull my regular shirt off over my head. I looked down at what I was wearing, liking how the red and green went together. Ah, Christmas.

"Thank you! I'm not sure how you knew my size, but something tells me that Francis had a part in it. So, who do I match with? Who's the other one for?"

"Well", Gil said, putting an arm around my shoulders and turning in a slow circle on the spot, "This sweater is somewhat large, and green... Do you see anyone with red pants to match it?"

I looked around the room as Prussia swirled me around: just about every country was wearing Christmas colors, but there were mostly tan or white dress pants. I couldn't really remember what any of the early-comers were wearing- until long legs walking off got my attention. My eyes trailed up their body, seeing strong calves, a nice butt, abs hidden behind a white long-sleeve dress shirt, broad shoulders, all the way to his light blue eyes and slicked-back blond hair.

'Oh my lord, that's Germany!'

I shook my head at my thoughts, noticing that he was getting farther and farther away. Prussia took note that he was heading towards the door.

"You should give it to him before he leaves."

"Right!" I hurried after him. "Ludwig! Hey, wait up!"

He stopped right at the door, underneath the banner they pinned up a while ago. A small smile made it's way on his face when he turned to me.

"Ah, hello, (Country)."

"Hi.!" You held the vest out to him. "Gilbert went out and bought the 2 of us sweaters! Matching ones! He asked me to deliver yours to you!" Volun-told is a much better term for it, but it doesn't matter.

He sighed. "Mein bruder...I don't know what to do with him."

I looked off to the side. "You could thank him. Think of it as your one early Christmas present."


He took the sweater vest and pulled it on over his dress shirt, then tugging the bottom a bit to make sure it fits.

"It looks good on you." I offered my opinion.

He raised an eyebrow.

"I-I mean, not like in an 'I'm checking you out' kind of way! Uh...wh-which isn't to say you're unattractive, but I-I mean, I just-I'm not calling you 'sexy', cuz that-that'd be-"

"That's quite enough." He put his hands on my shoulders to stop my stuttering, his own face as red as mine had grown. "Danke, for that, though. I-I like your outfit as well."

I smiled, and was about to thank him in return, until my phone went off. "I'm sorry!" "No, go ahead." Pulling it out, I saw that I received a text from Prussia.

'Kesesesese~ Look up!'

Alright, I've fallen for his pranks many a day, so I made sure that I thought for a bit. A bit more. And then:


My head shot so fast I heard my neck crack, and so did Germany. "What? What is it?"

He looked up, too.

And audibly gasped.


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