Ep 1 Chp 3 (end)

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I went to a coffee shop and start thinking about it. I think  that someone saw him when he kill Filtch. May be from Filtch's family someone kill Kellan because it was the idea of Kellan to kill Filtch. I think to go at Filtch's house to know more.

I took my car and went to Filtch's house. At the door I knocked it. A young boy comes to open the door. And asked,"who are you?" I said,"Is your mother at home?" Young boy went to call his mother. A lady come looking poor, came to me,"Yes! who are you man?"
I replied,"I am from police."
She calls me inside. I said," I want to knew about your husband Filtch who died before a month.
A lady starts crying. I said," "Stop crying please, I came here to ask you that what happened to your husband."

She replied with grief,"It was a suicide case."

I replied,"Oh! but why?"

She said,"She lost his money on gambling."

I asked,"Where were you at that night?"

She replied,"At home with my children."

I said,"And on yesterday morning?"

She said,"At home but why are you asking?"

I replied,"Nothing, actually Fitch's friend died yesterday Do you knew him his name was Kellan."

She said,"No I didn't know him."

I replied,"Okay, you are the only one in Filtch's family or someone else who is nearer to him."

She said," Filtch just has one  brother Atlas instead of us."

I said,"Okay, we think that someone did a murder of your husband."

She shoutedly said," what?"

I replied,"We just think not confirm yet because his body wasn't even left so we can't said it surely If you help so we could know what happened at that night."

She said,"Mam I have the picture of Filtch with his friends. I didn't knew their name. If you want I'll give it to you."

I replied,"Yah sure!"

She gave me a picture in which six people are standing at a wedding place. One was Dr Stephen, a lady's husband Filtch, Kellan, Peter, John. Another one is Atlas(Filtch's Brother), and the last one shocks me. I immediately asked who is this man? A young lady replied,"He, He is a very nice man a best friend of my husband named Henry. He live with Filtch almost all the time in our house. I called him my brother also whenever I got help he was always there for me. I asked, Does he sing song?
She replied,"Yes mam but how do you know."

I fastly get into my car and called John and asked Henry's address. When I got there Henry was left.
I said to myself,Henry was the only man whom I see there as a beggar singing a song when I was a security guard at Dr. Stephen's house. Where he go now. An old lady was going from there. I asked to her,"Mam, do you know where is Henry. I am her friend. I called him but he wasn't here. Do you tell where he is?
An old lady said with his frailed voice," Ah I heard Henry he was saying someone at the call that he was going at Peter's house."

I replied,"Oh no, I meet him another time. Thanks mam"

An old lady replied,"Your welcome."

I went to my car fastly called Peter. I think now it's Peter turn after Kellan and Dr. Stephen. Phone was Ringing. Peter picked the call,"Who's there?". I immediately replied,"Peter don't allow anybody to come at your house." He said okay mam!and cancelled the phone.
I feel something suspicious, because Peter don't even know me and just a simple reply. I speed up my car and went to Peter's house.

When I went the door was already opened and the body of Peter was there. I get into the house. Picked a knife from his stomach. He moves slightly. I asked,"Peter,what happened with you. And who did this."
With a lot of pain he moved his hands towards the picture and then died.
An artistic picture of trees was there. I took the picture of it and called to the police. 
Police came there and now I have to show them my card.
The inspector calls me and said," If you have any information so you tell to us we both found the murder of Kellan and Peter."
I replied,"But I don't know anything still."
Inspector said,"okay."
I said,"Inspector one thing I want to request to you leave Dr. Stephen because he was innocent."
Inspector said,"I understand we'll leave him soon."

I know you're thinking why I didn't tell to police because I didn't have any proof. And I didn't feel any need to tell him about the Filtch's story.

Dr. Stephen comes at my cabin and thanks me alot as he left from the jail. He invited me in his party at the night. But I refused him, I said to him,"Another time Dr. today I have a lot of work to do." Dr. forced me alot. So I asked him "Who is coming to the party tonight"? He replied with a grief ,"Only John because now he's only left in our friends circle. And what about Henry?
I replied,"Henry Police didn't have any prove that Henry killed Peter so they didn't arrested him. But you don't worry Police arrested him soon.
Dr. asked," Mam are you coming tonight."
I replied," Not yet but I try".

The party was at Dr. Stephen's house. John and Dr.was there they are enjoying there a lot as Dr. Stephen's now free. A lights get out. "Oh no!"said John. Dr. Stephen," I am going to turn on the generator."
When Dr. went outside so he see that light was not only at his house. He went to John fast because he wasn't have it's mobile. Suddenly Dr. turned around. Someone tried to hit him with rod. Doctor shouted. But at the same time I opened the light from my one hand and picked the rod from another hand. So what we see that he hides the face. I snatched the rod from him and show his face so Dr. said," You! Filtch's wife."
She shouted," Yes I am."
Someone outside the door was trying to ran from there My assistant Simon ran from there and from his collar  snatched the man and he was the Henry. I said to them," I know that when Dr. went out of jail. The murderer came to kill him. That's why I request to police to leave and said Dr. to make party at his house to be safe. But my purpose is to arrested you at the spot. I knew it before that you kill with Henry because Peter show his finger towards the artistic painting. A similar painting I also see at Dr. Stephen. So I enlarge the photo of that painting at my mobile So I see the name Sarah. When I found so I become to know that it was your name but I want to prove it. I know that they did wrong with your husband. He get their punishment also. But what you did is extremely wrong. One thing I want to ask why you trace Dr. and how you kill Kellan because at house there was only Kellan and Dr. and Dr. also seen anybody to kill Kellan. and how you know about Filtch's murder"

Henry said,"I leave the place in my car before half an hour from Fancy club because I am not feeling well at that day. But when I am at the way to my house I see that I left my mobile and my wallet at there I called to Filtch because he's only friend whom I trust it but he didn't picked the call. So I came back again at there but at the half way what I see. They all was at a silent place. Filtch wasn't with them. I called Stephen, but they was in a hurry so he didn't listen to me. I feel something wasn't fine so I followed him so I found that they are going to railway station. I didn't want to go there but I have curious to know that what they're cooking behind us. So I saw that they took Filtch and placed him there.  What man he was? I hide there because I become afraid if I go there they also kill me but I awe at that time I didn't sit in piece until I take revenge of Filtch's murder. I told to his wife and make plan with him. I traced Dr.and gave him a look that I am a robber but actually I was trying to find the way to kill Dr. Stephen. Sarah helped me to set the cameras to fit at the window. She gave all his paintings to everybody. At Dr. House she sets the camera inside her painting. And from where we can see what Dr. do, the camera keep an eye inside. And I as the beggar keep at him eye outside. One day, when there was nobody at house I set a mechanism over there to kill Dr.  but unfortunately the Kellan gone dead. That mechanism was opened when the Dr, open the window a knife goes into his stomach at the same time but mistakenly Kellan opened the window. But doesn't matter who kills before. All have to be dead. 
One day when I was with Peter he was feeling afraid so he tell me the whole story of that day so he thinks that the murderer also killed him. But I asked him why he didn't tell it to anybody before. He said,"I didn't say it before because  they all are my friends and I knew that was an accident. But now I think they did wrong."
I replied,"Don't worry, just tell it to the police."
He said,"What are you saying. I can't because police arrested me also. They don't even trust me because I haven't any proof."
How silly Peter was he tell me. So what I did I killed him also because he wasn't innocent.if I didn't murder Kellan so he didn't say anything.
A young lady said,"We both did this, after the death of  Filtch we all gone to road if Henry wasn't helped us. I also didn't have food to eat.  Don't you think mam that they do wrong not only with Filtch with me and my little child also.

I replied,"Yes they do but what you do isn't right also. They get their punishment for what they did but you also not be left. They both only went into jail for their whole life but you both sentenced to be strangle."

___________THE END__________

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