Ep 2 Chp 2

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Chapter 2

Inside the Blood Garden there are a lot of trees looks scary, a wind of there was also looking unknown to me. A birds also flying very high from there. I didn't understand why it is so different from inside. Suddenly an eagle try to strikes at my head but I down my head immediately. So I became save.

Simon asked,"Mam are you fine."

I said," Yes Yes! I am okay."

That wind makes me uncomfortable. The air was also not sufficient to breath as the weather of inside was unpleasant. But when we are outside it was all be normal why it is too much different from inside.

Simon silently said," Madam, please don't move." with a frightening voice.

He show his finger towards the grassland. When I see there,it was a snake moving towards us. Its mouth is open and it is moving still towards us. We both be still like a statue. It comes towards my shoes then start moving on my shoe. It was the too scary moment for me but I still stand in a statue posture. Then he leave my shoes and move towards Simon shoes. The face of Simon became pale and he looks more frightened than me. But snakes move aside by him to the another way.

Simon said." Ah we save".

I replied,"We save but , Is Ryan and his friends also saved here or not?"

As we move so inside We found a land Where grass is half red and half green. It's looking interesting to me.

Simon shouted,"Mam see after that the grass is totally red. And the trees over there were also red. There are also white flowers. Simon looking very excited. He is going to touch the flower so immediately I shouted," Don't touch it. This is Poison hemlock looks pretty—but touching it could kill you."

He move his hands backward immediately and fold his arms and start moving again. Now this garden becomes dark from inside. As it looks there is night. The slightly wind is starting over there.

I said," Don't you think mam we come too inside  as it is now getting dark here so I think it is difficult to go in these scary and poisonous plant safely."

Simon said," But mam it is looking too beautiful. Now I know this is actually red in colour. I want to took some photos."

Simon took his mobile and start taking pictures from it.

I said,"We come too inside but we can't found Ryan yet. Where is he so?"

I am slightly moving everywhere so I got any hint that where is Ryan. I moved towards the red tree. Seeing the branch and leaves with curiosity I used my finger and touched the leaves. With the help of my torch I see my fingers becoming red. I again touch and see and then smell and said It is Blood. Simon saw to me with shocked.

I see a sparkle something in the night so I moved my torch infront of me. A large animal with a full of danger voice comes towards us. I didn't run and still moved my torch in his eyes as it is afraid of light so he start getting out from the light. And it ran from there.

Simon shockingly see me and said silently,"Is he the killer of everybody?"

I replied."Yes it is not only the killer but a guardian also."

Simon replied as low as his voice gone,"What a guardian?"

I said,"Yes A guardian of that gate. See that gate. I think there is something interesting. Come with me."

Simon said with his low voice,"But."
I moved towards the gate and said,"I think it is still hungry. Maybe he eats nothing from a long time. You may stand here for his help."

Simon ran behind me and said,"But where is Ryan?"

I opened the gate and it was opened. And We both moved inside by the gate.

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