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"OH MY GAWD!!!!! IT'S HIM!!!!!"


The many groupies yelled out as the limo, which contained the Young Billy Joe Cobra, pulled up towards the red carpet. The limo driver got out of the glamorous car and opened the door revealing Billy as he popped his head out of the car door and got out. He looked at all of his Cobraheads, spun around in a 360, and made double pistols while flirtatiously smirking at them all, which just caused them to scream even louder.




He chuckled as his groupies began to climb over the velvet ropes, causing the security guards to push them back. He adjusted his blue denim vest, ran his hand through his black hair and began to walk down the red carpet, signing autographs and taking pictures with his groupies. As he walked down the red carpet, he couldn't help but take notice of one particular girl in the crowd. She stood there silently, wearing a blue-green dress with silver flats while holding onto a Polaroid camera, snapping pictures of all the stars as they walked down the red carpet. Billy couldn't help but wonder, why she wasn't interested in him? I mean, he's the most famous popster in the world! She should be crying over the fact that she's even breathing the same air as him! The question is, why wasn't she? Curiously, the 13 year old walked closely near the velvet ropes to get a better look at the young beauty. A small, tanned, brunette with warm brown eyes, a curvy figure, and practically glowing! Now that was a girl Billy wanted to be seen with!

"Hey, Polaroid girl!"

The tanned brunette looked up to see Billy looking straight at her.

'Holy cow! Those eyes!' Billy thought as he stared into her big brown eyes. She stuttered, which caught Billy's attention.


"Yes you! You wanna be my date to the awards? It'll be awesome~" Billy cheerfully singsonged.

The girl pulled back in shock at the popstar's sudden question. Billy's smile began to fade, realizing how sudden his question came up. I mean, he did just meet this girl, and it wasn't even for a minute for that matter! He stared back at the girl with pleading eyes, causing her to hesitate for a bit.

"S-sure! I'll be your date!" She sputtered out.

She then stepped over the velvet ropes giving Billy a warm, kind smile. Her foot got caught on the ropes causing her to trip, which lead up to her falling into Billy's arms. He lifted her up and smirked at her.

"So, what's your name, Babe?"

"M-my name?"

"Yeah, Babe! What's your name?"

"M-my name is certainly not Babe! It's Dawn González."

"Dawn~ What a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl~"

Billy grabbed Dawn's hand and spun her around. Dawn then fell into Billy, again and her face turned pink with embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry! Gosh, I'm such a clutz!"

"A cute clutz~ So how old are you, Dawn?"

"Well, I'm 11."

"Really!? I'm 13! I thought you were my age!"

"Yeah, I get that a lot." She said bashfully.

Billy couldn't help but notice certain features of  the small brunette, which earned poor Dawn a few death glares from the Cobra Heads.

"You ready, gorgeous?"

"Okay, first stop! Your making me blush and, Yes, I'm ready!"

"Let's go then!"

Billy grabbed Dawn's hand and laced his fingers with her's. That began walking down towards the Awards Ceremony.


Billy and Dawn walked out of the Awards Ceremony and held hands as they laughed their little hearts out. Dawn stopped and looked up at Billy, her face turning pink again.

"Um, thanks for letting me be your date! It was really sweet of you to let me join you. I hope we can still be friends. So, bye."

"Dawn, wait!"

Dawn began to walk off when Billy grabbed her arm and pulled her close to him.

"What is it Bil-MPHHH?!?!?!"

Her face became as red as a tomato when Billy kissed her on the lips. Dawn's heart was pounding against her chest as she closed her eyes when Billy began to deepened the kiss. They finally parted when they both began to run out of breath. He then dug in his pocket and gave her a piece of paper with his number on it. He began to blush and started scratching the back of his head.

"I really don't wanna be friends, maybe something more, but here's my number so that we can stay in touch. Also..."

Billy reached inside his pocket again to pull out tickets for front row seats and V.I.P./ Backstage passes for all his concerts. Dawn looked at him with shock.

"These are the tickets for all my concerts. They're front row seat and these are Backstage passes so after the concert you can come see me. If you want that is."

Dawn then smiled at him and got up on her tippy toes to kiss Billy on the cheek.
Billy's eyes widened when Dawn kissed him.

"Thank you so much! I promise I'll try to go to all your concerts! Oh thank you so much, Billy!!!"

She jumped up and hugged Billy, causing Billy to pull her in even more closer as she buried her face in his neck.

"Why don't I take you home? It'll save your mom the trouble."

"Sure Billy. Thank you!"

Billy opened the limo door for Dawn and went inside once she got in. He sat down while Dawn yawned snuggling up to Billy and smiled with content. She buried her face into Billy's chest, sighing with pleasure. Billy wrapped his arms around her and closed his eyes but not without hearing her whisper quietly...


Falling for Billy Joe Cobra    ☆A DTMG Fanfiction☆Where stories live. Discover now