To be an insomniac-Chapter 1

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It was a normal day at UA. Well it usually was.

"Hasn't Midoriya been acting a bit off since last week?" Sero whispered with a pinch of concern in his voice. That was right. Midoriya has been a bit off... no one knew why though. "Pfft, the nerd probably realized he can't be a hero after all!" Bakugo yelled.

Mina got slightly annoyed at the loud blonde and walked over to Midoriya's seat. There the greenette was, laying down on his desk, phone out on Spotify. To anyone it would seem like he was a normal student, but to 1-A he wasn't. He was the sunshine of class 1-A and everyone including Bakugo knew that.

So just what was wrong with this guy?

"Hey Midori! What's up with you and Ochako? You got any plans~" Mina teased and stared at the boy. She saw the bags under his eyes but didn't choose to pester him on it. That was because Mina only wanted to know about Uraraka, not about how he felt. "H-Huh?" Izuku stood up and rubbed his eyes. "Uraraka?" Mina replied. "O-Oh! Uraraka!? What about her?" Izuku mumbled in panic before putting his head back down. "You're dating right? She confessed to you yesterday" Mina said.

Izuku sat there confused which made the class confused as well. "What? Why would you think that?" Izuku spoke. Kirishima walked up to him, followed by Kaminari and Todoroki. "You like each other right? And she confessed? You don't have to keep it a secret relationship." Kaminari spoke. "Yeah she did...?" Izuku responded, taking his headphones off. "So... you should be dating right?" Jirou replied.

Now Midoriya was surrounded by his classmates.

"W-Woah, woah, woah? What assumes that we're dating just because she confessed to me?" Izuku rubbed his eyes. "Don't act dumb nerd! You and pink cheeks love each other!" Bakugo yelled in his face. 'His breath is hotter than his quirk' Midoriya thought. "I rejected her" Izuku spoke, rubbing his eyes once again while sitting up. Class was about to start anyway. The least he could do was pretend he cared about what Aizawa had to say.

"HUH!?" Everyone yelled.

That was when a certain girl walked into the classroom. A bit late, but that was the least of the class's concerns. What really mattered was the fact that she was crying.

"Ochako! *Ribbit*" Tsuyu ran to her friend with a tight hug, followed by the rest of the class. Aside from Todoroki, Bakugo, and Tokoyami who were no good at comforting other's. Midoriya couldn't help but see Kirishima mouthing "Not cool man" from afar.

~Time skip to class ending~

Izuku got up from his seat and sighed. He checked the time and got all of his things ready to leave. Midoriya was tired of going to school every day. Tired of seeing people who didn't care about him. Tired of pretending to be someone he's not. Just fed up.

No one even knew or cared to know why he's been so tired? No one doesn't even ask 'Hey what's up with your life? How ya' doin' man?' It's always something about him and someone else. Like how Mina asked about him and Uraraka. If she hadn't confessed to him after school yesterday, who knows how long it would've taken for Mina to even think about talking to him.

"Midoriya" someone walked up to Midoriya with a stern face. "Yes Ashido?" Izuku stared at the pink-haired girl... well she was pretty much pink everything.

Ashido was followed by all the girls and like two boys. "You see this?" Momo pointed to Uraraka who was wiping her tears behind Tsu. "Not manly? So unmanly of you Midoriya!" Kirishima wiped away his invisible tears while holding his chest in pain. 'What the actual' Izuku thought before throwing his bag over his back. Izuku stared at the girl who was crying and showed a slight bit of sympathy. Although he was a nice person enough to reject her kindly and even offer to be friends with her still, he thought about the reason why he rejected her. It was a reasonable one.

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