A Vampire and a Hero-Chapter 2

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"I'm a vampire of course~" she smiled. "Huh?" Izuku stood there with a bland expression on his face. "Pfft..." he laughed a bit. "W-What? Why are you laughing!?" the girl yelled. "A-A vampire!? Seriously!" he laughed even more. It was hilarious to him, but she didn't think it was at all. "How can you not believe it! There are humans that have weird superpowers that choose to be villains or heroes! Someone could probably make pigs fly or make it rain cats and dogs in this world, and you don't believe vampires exist!?" she ranted with a pout at the end.

"N-No! I get what you're saying but... vampires we're extinct because of the fight between All for One and All Might. There hasn't been a real trace of them since... plussincevampiresandhumanshaveaweirddynamicwitheachotherandheroespracticallyhatevampiresifwesawonethatwouldbesuperbadsoitwouldn'tbewiseforyougoingaroundandsayingyou'reavampireimeanifyouwerethenthatwouldbesuperbadand-" Izuku ranted but was stopped by a finger to the mouth. "Dude..." she mumbled and stared dead at him. "S-Sorry! Sorry!" he panicked.

"Well... if you don't believe me I'll just take my leave. Your blood's super tasty by the way!" she yelled and walked off. "W-Wait! No, I do believe you! I just-" Midoriya ran up to her. "Oh? You're running back to me boy?" she smirked. "I-It's not that... I'm just, a bit bored? Sorry, you could go" Izuku laughed awkwardly and let go of her hand. "No, it's too late. We're going to have some fun boy" She grabbed his arm. "Please stop calling me 'boy'" Izuku frowned. "So what's your name then?" she replied changing her facial expression to a curious one. "Izuku Midoriya" he smiled and took his hand out for a shake. "Nazuna Nanakusa" she grabbed his hand, and they suddenly got lifted into the air. "W-Woah!" Izuku yelled.

"Cool right? I can do this all the time since people just pass it off as a quirk." Nazuna smiled and grabbed him by the torso.

They were lifted into the sky, and he was astonished. "Why are you out at night anyway? I recognize that uniform, and you're in high school right?" Nazuna replied while staring at the sky. "Well I actually have insomnia, this is the first time I've gone out at night... I've been having class problems at school that's all" Izuku awkwardly laughed. "Oh." she let out. Midoriya nodded and continued to stare at the sky. "Just don't go," Nazuna said. "Huh?" he whispered.

"Don't go back to school then" she smiled. "What!? I have to go to school. In order to be a hero I have to..." Midoriya replied. "What a lame dream. I mean you're here now, why don't you go some days and the others you hang with me a bit. I'm super fun y'know!" Nazuna dropped him. "WHAT?! AHHHH" he yelled while he was falling. He wasn't good at thinking in situations like this, could've just used his quirk. "And... gotcha!" she scooped him up and smiled. "Y-You're going to give me a heart attack!" he yelled. "You'll be fine human" Nazuna rolled her eyes.

Izuku sighed and held his breath as she was bringing them back to the ground. "But I dunno... I don't really know you that well. Hanging out with a stranger who wants me to skip school is..." Midoriya thought for a moment. "Well let's get to know each other then! C'mon offspring!" she smiled. "Wait I'm going to turn into a vampire!?" Izuku yelled chasing after the girl. "Huh? No, I was kidding, you have to fall in love with me to do that" she yelled back while hiding her face for some odd reason. 'Was she nervous?' he thought

"Plus where are we going?" he caught up to her and grabbed her hand. "I dunno" she smiled. "HUH?!" Izuku yelled while they stopped by a bench with three drunk guys. "Didja drink a lot?" Nazuna smiled and held her hand out to them which she instantly got a high-five from all three of them. "Do you know them?" Izuku whispered to her. "Nope!" she smiled. Izuku gave them high-fives too and they headed off. "So what do you do as a vampire? I mean you can live for a while, that gives you a lot of free time" Midoriya smiled, and they continued to walk.

"Well... I don't really know. I just do the things that pop up, like you" she grinned and wrapped her arm around him. "O-Oh... so no hobbies? Are you the only vampire?" he curiously asked. "Hmm... well there's a few others, maybe about ten... or twenty depending on the offsprings" Nazuna thought for a moment. "Enough about me, what do you do Izu?" she smiled and Midoriya blushed at the nickname. "Oh... well fight villains, do school work-" she pulled his hair. "Ow!" he yelled. "I meant what do you like to do? I don't see kids your age out and about this early" she smiled. "It's three in the morning..." he squinted. "But overall... I play video games and stuff...?" he awkwardly laughed. "You don't have any friends?" she asked. "Uhm... well I can't say they're my friends. But they were friendly enough to pretend to be them" Izuku said.

"So you're running away from your problems and sneaking off with a vampire girl to do indecent things?" she ranted. "WHAT?! N-NO!? WAIT IS THAT WHAT WE'RE GOING TO DO?" Deku yelled and pushed himself off the vampire. "Pfft, no I was joking. I mean we can if you want" Nazuna smirked. "H-Huh! W-What, s-shouldn't you do that stuff with someone you love-" he asked. "STOP STOP STOP!" she yelled. "What did I do? But it's better to do those things with a person that you plan on being with in the future. Once you've fallen in love-"


"OW?!" he yelled in pain. "S-Stop! I get it!" she yelled. Izuku didn't fail to notice that her face was red. 'This girl likes talking about sex but hates romance... strange.' he thought "Sorry? By the way, where are we heading?" Izuku mumbled as they walked to an apartment complex. "My place!" she grinned and dragged Deku to the complex. "W-What?" he panicked.

A few minutes later they were lying down on her bed. "W-Why are we just laying here?" Izuku questioned. "You can't go to sleep right? Us vampires have this scent they can use on humans that makes them usually go to sleep. Just like how we're naturally gorgeous to humans as well." Nazuna looked Izuku in the eyes. The blinds on the window were open emitting a dark purple light which was the only brightness they were getting since the lights were off. "Oh I never really noticed, you're actually beautiful" he smiled and stared at the girl. "S-Shut up! Go to sleep human!" she yelled. "O-Okay!" he yelled while pulling the cover onto them. 'G-God! I just met Nanakusa, and I'm already going to sleep in her bed!' Izuku thought.

'Although... I'm getting a bit... *Yawn* tired...'

Izuku fell asleep and quickly started snoring. 'Thanks, I had a fun time today... Goodnight human' Nazuna thought while smiling at the unconscious boy.'

1168 Words

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