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MIGUEL HAD WOKEN up and felt more tired and fuzzy brained than he ever had -- doctors and nurses came in and out of the room which was not only annoying but overwhelming. He felt fine, despite his condition, and couldn't wait until they stopped repeating the same questions. Results wouldn't change whether he answered or not, but he knew if he didn't, his mother would worry.

"For the fall, the damage wasn't as bad," Doctor Shultz said with a tap of her pen against her clipboard, "any other questions?"

Carmen looked at Miguel and stepped outside with the doctor, her gaze scared and filled with hope. It was hard to read what she was saying, but whatever it was, it seemed serious.

Miguel continued to look at his phone — texts and calls were ignored, none which he cared to answer besides one from someone he missed.

Ivy had called once at five am, texted twice on different days. He expected her to be mad and hurt, but he also wished she had reached out. Sure he couldn't answer but she would have been the first person he called or texted back.

Carmen walked back into the room, her face now less tense and a little warmer.

"I texted some of your friends that you're awake. I hope that's okay."

"Yeah, it's fine." He nodded, eyes now stuck on the white walls that he had become bored of in the last few hours he'd waken up.

Nothing felt real, although it felt as draining as it had when he stood in the hallway. He couldn't bring himself to think about Sam, much less Ivy who he'd hurt so much in the span of a few weeks; her face was flushed with pink shades, all the color was drained and she looked embarrassed, hurt.

There was nothing her could do to change what he'd done, but if there was, he'd leap into it in a heartbeat.

Meanwhile somewhere in Encino, Ivy pressed a hand on her face and another under her leg to avoid some shaking.

It had been weeks since she'd seen him, weeks since the war in school and while she wanted to seem fine, she wasn't. Her argument with Tory had led to more sadness and confusion, and she hadn't thought much about coming to visit him until she sat in the car with her mom.

Carmen's text had come in in the early hours of the morning, and Ivy's reply was sent minutes later.

It still didn't feel real.

Sure, she expected him to wake up eventually and for things to change, but it was different to see him now. The last time she'd seen him, he had tubes in him and casts plastered all over his body, and while she knew he was better, the image didn't leave her mind.

On the ride to the hospital, she rehearsed what she wanted to say, what she wanted to ask and the answers to the questions she assumed he'd ask.

She'd start with the party and work her way up to ask the one question she didn't want to ask, but knew she had to. Hawk advised her to that morning, but he didn't understand it wasn't as easy as anyone assumed. Both answered seemed harsh and she didn't want to hear him say anything, ironically enough.

Veronica let Ivy walk in alone, not wanting to be overbearing, and in she went.

It was cold and way too bright, making her head start to hurt a little more than before. She followed Carmen's instructions to his room and within minutes she was pulled in a hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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