Lady Charlotte Augusta Howard, Duchess of Buckingham Territory

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Lady Charlotte Augusta Howard, Duchess of Buckingham Territory

She was born the second daughter but fourth child of Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior, Duke of Norfolk Territory and Lady Patricia Eugenie Stuart, the eldest daughter of The Duke of Lennox Territory on Star Base 12.

Lady Charlotte Augusta Howard was her father's favorite daughter and child, and she arrived on March 21, 2245 at Norfolk Estate.

She was named in honor of Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior first love, Lady Charlotte Augusta Beck, the paternal grand-aunt of his grand-nephew, Lord David Willliam Beck, whose father married his only niece, Lady Eliza Katherine Howard, the daughter and only child of his younger brother, Lord Edwin William Howard and Lady Penelope Devereux, Countess of Essex Territory.

Lord Edwin William didn't become Earl of Essex as the title would pass onto his grandson, Lord David William Beck through his grandmother, Lady Penelope Devereux and her daughter, Lady Eliza Katherine Howard had she lived.

Lady Charlotte Augusta was a pretentious little girl and even at five years old she had foresight into the future and was blessed with the vision that her youngest brother would become Duke of Norfolk.

The day that her youngest brother was born and when she was brought into the room where her mother laid holding her little brother.

Lady Charlotte Augusta proclaimed " Well! Father. Look, your successor has been born."

Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third age 20 years old told his five year old sister " No way! Lady Charlotte Augusta. I am our father's oldest son." Lord Charles Andrew Howard states.

Lady Charlotte Augusta looks at her oldest brother and stomps her feet at him and she tells him " No way! Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third. It will be Lord Andrew Charles that succeeds our father to the Dukedom."

Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior asks Lady Patricia Eugenie " Could she be speaking the truth that our youngest son will succeed me?"

"You know what they say "Out of the mouths of babes comes the truth, Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior." Lady Patricia Eugenie tells her husband.

Lady Charlotte Augusta walks over to her mother and she holds out her arms but Lady Patricia is afraid to let five year old Lady Charlotte Augusta hold newborn Lord Andrew Charles Howard in his arms until Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior orders her to let Lady Charlotte Augusta hold her brother, and she is placed into her arms and Lady Charlotte Augusta tells her father "He looks like a Duke of Norfolk father."

"Look at his little face, brown eyes, and brown hair, and he will be the next Duke of Norfolk Territory." Lady Charlotte Augusta proclaims.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior looks down at his youngest son's face and he says " He does look like his damn great-grandfather, Lord Frederick William Howard."

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