Chapter ten: my brothers friends baby

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If you've read my other one shots with asahi, Zen, and Mika. Atlas is zens younger brother, who struggles with his little space and is a giant brat. Zen and Asahi used to help but Atlas wanted his own people and not his brother anymore so Zens friends stepped in to take over, which led to Asahi and Zen meeting mika

Atlas' POV:

I don't know what time it was that I woke up, but it had to be pretty early since it was still dark out. I looked around the room just scanning everything before I took in the sights of the three sleeping men again. I wiggled out from between them and sat in the middle of the bed watching them sleep, they didn't look scary at all anymore, like I first thought when my brother introduced us, not that I'd chance waking them up by asking where the bathroom is because I simply don't want to bother them. I slide off the bed and make my way towards the door before it creaked open, pretty loudly too.

I turn my head and softly pout when I notice a set of eyes staring at me and I make my way back across the room

"I'm sorry I woke you up, I didn't mean to, I promise" I bunch up the bottom of the shirt I'm wearing in my hands while staring at the floor. I didn't even want to know how mad he would be that I woke him up. All of a sudden I felt a hand on my head and look up to meet the mans eyes

"don't be sorry kid, but what are you doing up? It's like 4 in the morning" I bit my lip, it was embarrassing to say and it came out barely above a whisper

"I gotta use the potty, I was about to go look for it"

"Oh, shit we didn't show you where they were, did we?" I tilt my head at him

"they? There's more than one?" he pushes the blanket aside as he laughs at how the others are asleep

"yeah, we've got a few, there's one attached to every bedroom, we just all normally sleep in here together. Here let me let me show you" he takes me over to the door I just assumed was a closet "here you go, tomorrow it will just be the two of us for a bit and I promise to give you a tour after we go over rules and everything. We have a busy day so after you potty, back to sleep mister, you can climb back in bed with us or your room although-"

"I want yours" I interrupted and quickly covered my mouth "I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you" he only ruffled my hair and laughed

"that's fine, come plop back on me when you're done and I'll read you a story before you go back to sleep" I nodded and slipped into the bathroom.

I did my business and washed my hands although I did end up playing with the bubbles for quite a few minutes popping the ones that built up in the sink. Once I was done I crept back into the room and went to Asher's side of the bed and crawled over him

"what story?" I asked as he pulled up something on his phone

"well there's a few I could read off my phone until we get some actual books tomorrow, or I could just tell you a story about Zen and Asahi when we were all younger" I looked up at the mention of my brother and giggled, that one sounded like fun

"Zen please" I said as I slipped in between his arms and I was content when he locked his arms around me, the comfiness definitely made me tired though.

"Okay so I've known your brother since high school, and boy was he a mess, there was this one time in science class he was trying to impress asahi for gods know what reason. But we were all partnered up to do a project on animal vs plant cell and in our presentation he busted out into the cell rap, and sang it from start to finish, over everyone that tried to get him to stop."

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