Chapter twelve: the number battle

121 1 0

Non binary little, female caregiver
Headspace: 7

"Mummyyyyyy" jacklyn ran into the lounge and threw theirself onto their caregiver who was, originally, working on her book.

"Whats up honeybun?" Alisa asked while carefully putting her work to the side and focusing on her little, well aware lyn would stop at nothing to get her full attention.

"Five is even six is odd" jacklyn says excitedly while straddling their mummy's lap

"No.. Five is odd, six is even" Alisa replied confused

"Nu-uhh five is even six is odd!!"

"Sweetie... It is not"

"Mummy, listen." Jacklyn pouted while crossing her arms

"I'm all ears" Alisa replied, an amused smirk taking over her face

"Five, four letters, even" jacklyn said matter of factly

"Mhm, go on"

"Six is three, so odd"

"That doesn't make them opposites dear" alisa said while patting down the littles hair

"Yesh it does, it is in French too so I'm right" jacklyn glared

"How so?" Alisa asked, now intrigued how lynnie even thought of this, currently entertained by their train of thought

Jacklyn uses their fingers to count 'un.. duex.. trois.. quatre.. cinq.. six..' "HA MUMMY CINQ IS FOUR AND SIX IS THREE"

"Well done, what about Spanish?" Alisa asked, knowing full well that is where their theory will die and the little will move onto something else

"I dunno it"

"Cinco, and seis odd and even like they should be" Alisa said with a chuckle

"Hmm no, don't like that, it don't count"

"Alright sweetpea, how about you run along and play so I can finish editing, we can watch a movie later too if you want"

"Hmm mulan?"

"Of course we can watch mulan" Alisa kissed her littles head, before they ran off to play leaving her to finish her work.

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