chapter 21

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It's easy to fabricate a lie for you to stay during Game 1 and Game 2.

Lula is a willing accomplice, so with her on your side, it's even more believable. Of course, you don't doubt Eijun would believe you, if only for the trust he has in you. Miyuki, on the other hand...

You think he trusts you. But you also know he is unnervingly perceptive, more so than most.

Chris, however, assures you that it was a foolproof lie and that even if he does pick up on something, he really does have better things to worry about.

Speaking of better things to worry about, while handling the preparations, you're stumped trying to think of cute, winning couple costumes. Turns out, it's harder than it looks. Google isn't helpful, because it lists a lot of generic choices (like peanut butter and jelly) and you're trying to find something cute, that stands out.

The day before Game 1, you're at the nail salon again with Lula, getting another mani-pedi; just to refresh the nail polish, really, in time for the World Series. Your hands are already done, shining navy blue under the bright fluorescents, nails longer than you have them during the season since you don't have to worry about breaking them making catches or anything like that.

Lula eagerly converses with the nail tech doing her toes and when your conversation with your own lulls, your eyes snag on a teenage girl being led to one of the massage chairs, wearing a graphic crewneck with Kiki's Delivery Service on the front.

It sparks an idea.

You pick up your phone.

(20:55) i have an idea for the costumes
(20:55) Wow I completely forgot about that
(20:55) What is it?
(20:56) :)))) have u ever seen kiki's delivery service :))))
(20:56) Seriously?
(20:56) ok do u have any better ideas
(20:56) Maybe I do. This is you after all, the same one who said the Jonas brothers was a good trio costume
(20:57) Hahahaha okay fine
(20:57) I guess I don't have anything better to suggest
(20:57) Is it winning material though??
(20:58) its cute! its iconic! i think so! ask eijun
(20:58) Ugh fine
(21:02) Yeah he says its fine
(21:03) those are NOT his exact words
(21:03) Seriously
(21:04) miyukiiiiiiii
(21:04) Ugh fine. He said its 'sooooooo cute' and that 'he's jealous now'
(21:04) if hes offering ...
(21:04) What am I chopped liver????
(21:05) u were the one grouching about it being kiki and tombo!!!!
(21:05) Not grouching
(21:05) I don't grouch
(21:05) Just surprised. I was expecting something like. idk. thing one and thing two
(21:06) something basic?? how dare u
(21:06) Hahahahaha
(21:06) Ok fair enough
(21:06) Its fine but I'm not shopping for it
(21:07) u stink
(21:07) Thank you!

In truth, it shouldn't be that difficult.

You just need the dress, the bow, the shoes, and a witch's broom for Kiki, then the red-and-white striped shirt for Miyuki and maybe the correctly-sized glasses (since his are rectangular and Tombo's are more of a squarish shape) along with the right shoes. You, personally, would like to go the full nine yards but he might not.

(You do text him about it and he vehemently agrees that it needs to be authentic, that you can't just half-ass it, we're committed.

Which is a surprising attitude from the guy who tends to not care about anything other than baseball.

But he's been surprising about this whole ordeal. You thought he'd protest much more strongly but he didn't. It's... strange.)

In any case, you spend the rest of the appointment looking online for the components of the costume and resolve to start shopping soon to see if you can compile everything now. Halloween is close and you're sure the party will still go on, either on the day of Halloween or after, but since you don't know for sure, you don't want to mess with shipping times or anything like that.

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