chapter 25

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The city celebrates until the sun comes back up.

The Mariners win trends on all social media.

In the morning, you see videos of the entire streets crowded with people, all of them cheering as the Mariners win is called. The same with bars and restaurants all over the city. A victory that everyone feels.

Then the Mariners celebrating their victory in the clubhouse, with, of course, a champagne/beer shower. The MLB Instagram account posts pictures and videos like it always does and you watch it with no small amount of mirth while Lula (seeing this for the first time) is, surprisingly, delighted at the scale of the celebration.

"Good for them!" she says, smiling as she watches the video, head tilted back to peer through her reading glasses perched on the end of her nose.

You just laugh.

Eijun and Miyuki don't get back in until three in the morning.

Neither of them are up until noon, a little hungover, at which point they decide to do brunch. Just the four of you, though.

"Let the hangover pass before I deal with Youichi," Miyuki mutters, grabbing his keys as he and you prepare to head out to pick up the order from a local breakfast place.

Interestingly enough, you don't drive with him much. Maybe once or twice in the past few months. Most of the time if Eijun didn't want to drive back (as most of the time you all came together) you would drive.

He has the same model as Eijun, but in a different color, in a metallic black, sleek under the lights of the parking garage.

It's an unusually warm today, with the sun out and everything, but the wind chill is still a bit uncomfortable — at least in the garage, where the sun is hidden. It is mostly mitigated by the light blue hoodie (Eijun's) and black sweatpants you wear. Miyuki is dressed similarly, except in a maroon hoodie, grey sweatpants, topped off with that ever familiar Cubs cap pulled snugly over his hair.

"Mind driving?" he asks around a yawn as you two approach the vehicle.

You make a noncommittal noise. Took some convincing from Eijun for him to get you to drive his. But this is Miyuki.

He jingles the keys at you. "So, you can tell me you love me but you won't drive my car?"

"It's important for you to know that," you mutter. "This is something else entirely."

"Well. I trust you. So."

You groan. Right in your weak spot.

By the way he grins triumphantly, he knows that, too.


He passes you the keys as you approach the driver's side.

You unlock it, opening your door.

"Want me to grab your cane?" he asks as he opens his door, looking at you over the top of the car.

"Oh! Yeah, that'd be nice. Here."

Pulling your hand from the wrist strap of your cane, you lift it over the top of the car. He takes it and you both slide in.

You shiver at the cold leather, quickly turning on the car and turning on the seat warmers.

Buckling up, despite your nerves, it helps that the layout and sensitivity of the pedals is the exact same as Eijun's, so if you try hard enough, you can pretend it's his car.

"So, what's the news on the Halloween party?" you wonder as you pull out of the parking garage and onto the street. "Is he aiming for tomorrow?"

"Yeah, he told us all last night that it was on for the day of at nine."

WON'T TURN BACK, miyuki kazuyaWhere stories live. Discover now