PART 3: Class is Starting!

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The moment the pups went inside the campus, the bell rang and all of the other students went to their classrooms.

Rubble: Guess this is where we part ways for now, see'ya guys! C'mon Rocky!
Rocky: ok, Bye guys! Zuma, I'll get you to your room
Zuma: ok, Bye Chase, Marshall, Skye!
Marshall: bye! Ok, let's go to our classroom, Chase
Chase: Ok :3
Skye: I'm going to my room now. Bye!
Chase: bye Skye!
Announcer: Attention, all students please proceed to you respective classrooms for the orientation.
Marshall: Let's go Chase. Our room is on the 2nd floor, room 201 on my card. Wow, never though we would be in science class

AN: Ok, so science class is basically like a star section where all of the smart ones be in one class. A term used in my country.

Chase: Really? But my card says room 202
Marshall: well, I guess we're gonna be in different classes.
Chase: (whines a little)
Marshall: its ok, Chase. We can still see each other in our favourite subject :)
Chase: what?
Marshall: Recess! :)
Chase: (laughs) x3
Marshall: better get going now :)

Chase and Marshall then went to the 2nd floor and went into their rooms

Chase (to himself): alright Chase, you can do it. First day of school, nothing bad about it :3

Chase went inside the classroom and looked around. The desks and chairs are made of wood, a TV screen for projecting lectures, and no more kid-like designs just like in elementary.

Chase: so... This is highschool? Seems cool! :3

Chase took a seat at the back and waited for the orientation to start. While waiting, a dragon just his age sat beside him. He was nice and friendly, and he always smiles. Chase wanna talk to him but hes a bit shy. The dragon saw him and wanted to talk to him too, but he was also shy.

So they started talking to each other saying the same words at the same time:

"Hi!" (chuckles a little)
"Oh, sorry. Uhhh"
"You go first"
"No, you"

The two then ended up laughing

???: Ok ok, Hi! :)
Chase: Hi! I'm Chase! What's your name?
???: I'm Linon (pronounced as "linOn"). And I'm a dragon
Chase: woah! That's cool! And I'm a German shepherd :3
Linon: German Shepherds, huh. Those kinds of dogs are really interesting. I wonder what it's like being a pup...
Chase: well, it's kinda fun. You can howl, bark, play catch, and sorts of stuff. And I also wonder what it's like being a dragon...
Linon: Oh, us dragon are pretty fun too. Have you seen a dragon that can fly?
Chase: not yet! But I do wanna see one! :3
Linon: well, you're talking to that kind of dragon right now :)
Chase: you can fly? :0
Linon: yup. I can fly, but I don't know how to yet. Still learning.

Their teacher then went inside the room to start the orientation.

Ms. Handerson: Good Morning Class. My name is Ms. Handerson and I will be your adviser for the school year. Now to start off, we'll have a 1 hour orientation before we start our opening activity.

Ms. Handerson then gave the orientation, explaining the school, it's values, rules and regulations, and grading system, as well as the subjects they're gonna take.

Ms. Handerson: OK. Now that we're done, time for the opening activity. Everyone, please choose your partners.
Linon: Nice! Hey Chase, wanna be partners?
Chase: yeah! That'll be fun :3

Linon noticed that chase was speaking a bit like a little puppy, but he doesn't mind it. After everyone picked their partners, the teacher explained the instructions.

Ms. Handerson: alright everyone. For this activity, you will need to introduce yourselves to one another, and find out similarities and differences between you.
Linon: already did a bit of it but ok :)
Ms. Handerson: you may now start

Everyone then started to introduce themselves to one another.

Chase: So, I like to play sometimes
Linon: Really?
Chase: yup
Linon: I also like to play! :)
Chase: How about our favourite colors?
Linon: let's say it in 3, 2, 1

Linon: Crimson!
Chase: Blue!
Also Chase: Crimson? What's that?
Linon: it's just like red, but darker (correct me if I'm wrong aaaaaa)
Chase: woah! Never heard of a color like that before. Anyways, what show do you like?
Linon: I mostly watch paw patrol
Chase: me too! It's really ironic to see a character named "Chase" though (chuckles)
Linon: yeah. Feels ironic

Ms. Handerson: alright everyone, times up. Let's hear someone who would like to share their similarities and differences.

Ms. Handerson started calling the names of the others. Some say they both like anime, but likes different kinds of food, some say they both like to draw but one can dance, the other does not. Now, it was time for Chase and Linon. They both went Infront and told things similar and different about them.

"We both like to play"
"We like different colors, Chase likes Blue and I like Crimson"
"And we both watch our favourite show*

Ms. Handerson: that's really nice. Thank you for sharing, and now it's time for the second activity, which is introducing yourself in front of class.

Chase: (ears down, a little scared)
Linon: everything ok Chase?
Chase: just a little scared. Do we have to go Infront? :C
Linon: I guess so
Ms. Handerson: who wants to go first?

A pup then went first, and then the others went after one another. After Linon, Chase was the last one.

Ms. Handerson: That's so interesting about you, Linon. Next, Chase
Chase: (whines a little, ears down, scared)
???: Huh, such a baby >xD
Ms. Handerson: it's ok Chase, you can do it

Chase then went Infront and having his tail tucked in between his legs.

"H-Hi. My name is Chase and I'm a German Shepherd. I'm 13 years old and I live in Shepherd Street 45. I live with my dad who takes care of me and my 5 other siblings."

Ms. Handerson: interesting... How about your mother?
Chase: ... (Whines) well... (Lipsyncs the words to the teacher) she's gone...
Ms. Handerson: Oh... Sorry about your loss. You can go back to your seat

Chase went back to his seat looking a bit sad

Linon: man, sorry for your loss...
Chase: I just, miss her...
Linon: it's ok. I bet she still remembers you up until now

Linon have chase a pat on the back

Chase: thanks


Ms. Handerson: alright class, it's time for recess. You may now go and we'll continue later after.

All of the students went out and tithe cafeteria. Chase and Linon were the last ones to go out of the room, ans they went to the cafeteria.

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