chapter 2

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I finally got ready for school in my grey long trousers and white long sleeves with a grey knitted jacket. After all after today i'll be on hoilday which means more time with adele.
I smile at the thought of her.

"Doma come out already!"dera screams and i came out immediately not forgetting my ash school bag.

"Sometimes i wonder who is senior here dera" i said to her putting as much sassiness into my tone but she didnt seem fazed as usually.

After fifteen minutes of walking we finally went to school as we enter into the school gate i could already see adele running towards me and me falling into her embrace.we held there for little longer before i heard dera bored tone.

"Its okay lovebirds"

"Dera i think you're having class like right NOW"i said cause she keeps messing up with my fun.

"You keep forgetting we're in the same"she said with a manacing smile to back her up. I just sneer at her to focus on the beauty in front of me.

"Don't mind dera...she's always a buzz kill" i said touching her cheek softly.

"Was she talking?"adele asked innocently looking around. I just chuckle at that cause at least that got dera pissed. but once her friend Nia came they took off giving me deadly glares.

I lean in to give her a light kiss on her pink little but plump lips.

"So what's all this for?"i said in a playful manner.

"Well...i just want to spend time with you"she said fiddling with my short dreads.
"Its not as if you're going anywhere"i said chuckling but she gave a light cough instead. I furrow my brows at this.

"Whats wrong?"i asked as worry wretched on my face. She was looking at me now.

"Doma..."she said but was cut off by the school bell as someone shouted.
"First period!!!"

"We'll meet after school okay?"i said as she simply nodded walking hand by hand in class. Once we enter the class i could see my boy farris coming at me.

Farris was dark skinned. Has model type facial features and his popularly known as a playboy. Never have i ever seen farris serious with a girl before according to him his to fly for that.

"Yo...doma where've been?" he asked as i gestured my neck towards adele and he just gave me this strange nod. I shook my head at this.

"But i got you ....we'll talk later" i said as i took my seat with him giving adele as quick peck on the cheek.

"Doma Mr chemistry is on his way" farris says and i groan at this.

Mr chemistry teacher name is Mr jeremy. Lets just say his teaching is just too complex for us ss2 students. So because of that we rarely call him mr jeremy or uncle we are used to MR chemistry and i think he feels pretty high with that.

"Hey doma"i heard a high pitch femine voice called just for me to look up it was Adaora. I curse inwardly at this.

Adaora is light skinned with short blond curly hair with her over red lipstick and curvy shape.

Adaora has been trying her luck with me for as long as i can remember even though i know fully well she know i'm with adele

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Adaora has been trying her luck with me for as long as i can remember even though i know fully well she know i'm with adele.

"What do you want adaora?" i said with unconcern showing evident in my tone.

"i miss you doma" she said trying to sound sexy but honestly she's actually digusting i don't know why farris has eyes on her though.

She bent over my desk bringing her face just inches away from mine. Can this girl get any more desperate?

"Is that so adaora?"

"Very much" she said lying her hands on my chest from my shoulder blade to my neck now she was going deep. Now thats just the height!!!

"Adaora leave.....that's enough bullshit" i said in a calm but authorative voice.

"But doma...." she was startled at my little rage as i cut in.

"Stop being a little whore and walk out". i said raising my voice a little to get attention. I'm not always a good guy.....

Without further to do she left and i could hear the gossip group already laughing and talking in low tones. I grin at the simplicity of everything around me. I won't simply trade it for anything with adele😍....farris even adaora. She just seem to never stop....

Heyyy everyone sorry it tooke long to update actually i want to take dark ecstasy slow and steady. I want to put so much heart in it and that requires patience please but don't worry update will come soon jist stay tune and please vote............jee-nii-bee😍😍


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