time to let go

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Doma POV

So drawn into the crimson fire, I didn't take note of the magnificence in front of me until she whispered

"Hey Doma"

I looked up and damn was I stunned.

I looked up and damn was I stunned

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Adele outfit!

"Wow, Adele you look..." I staggered trying to find the ideal word but in my head, the words were too mixed up.

But as, her chocolate skin lit up with her eyes the word just hit me, like a mallet with full force.

"Perfect," I said as she gave me that mischievous smirk of hers that just made me defenseless.

Suddenly, I got a quick look at Adele's parents and they gave me that stern stare as they came over.

Swiftly, I drifted away thanks to the large multitude. Her parents made it very obvious that day at their house they didn't want to see me or worse, next to Adele.

As soon as I located Christian luckily for me he was with Isabella. I walked over to them Isabella' eyes burnished with concern as she said

"Doma, it's so nice to see you" giving me a subtle heart.

"Nice to see you too Isabella," I said with a genuine beam.

"I could say the same," Christian spoke, his voice dense with what the heck are you doing here attitude.

"Don't blame me, Christian, I wanted to hang with Adele but her parents," I said poignant at the reality of not seeing Adele again.

"Well, Isabella and I could keep her parents busy for a while," Christian said.


"But for a while, don't waste too much time," he warned.

"Yeah, runaway lover boy," Isabella said between giggles.

"I owe you, Christian," I said walking away never tearing my gaze from my ride-and-die brother.

"Save it for the details later," he said walking beside Isabella hand in hand.

Nobody had to say it because it was true.

The love they shared was authentic. Not the type for pleasure or show off or sex but the type that makes you want to wake up every morning even when things don't go as planned.

The type that gives you a reason to be someone better.

There they were the most beautiful duo I have ever seen.

Something I knew I could never have.

I watched from a safe distance, as Christian talked with Adele's parents, Adele looked so confused. I forgot how adorable she is when she pouts her lips and places her hand on her hips looking around.

Once she locked eyes with me, I think she finally got the message as she paced closer to me.

"Hey," she said.

"Do you wanna get out of here?" I asked wondering what she would say but to my surprise she said

"Yeah," with so much enthusiasm.

Without wasting time, we took a stroll to the shoreline away from the town but close enough to the festival.

The path to the ample infinite sea was guided by a trail of long green sweet-smelling grasses.

"So Christian...," she started the chat.

"Yeah his a life saver, I'm so happy I can count on him"

"Yeah that's awesome," she said as she chuckled lightly.

The tension between us was evident and I know it wasn't only me that noticed it.

"Adele, I love you", I said authenticity coupled with my vocals but the way she stopped in her gait and turned her back to look at me.

It was hard to describe the passion that flared in her eyes but my instincts told me even when I tried to shun it away that it wasn't the normal I love you look she gave me.

It was something different. That couldn't be said whether it's good or bad.

Because I knew it was paradoxical.

"Doma you have to let go," she said her voice cracked as she avoided my gaze staring instead at the sandy ground.

"Well I can't and I won't," I said with passion but even my voice was wavering.

With all the signs telling me it was over, even the smell of mud after rain or the salty scent of the vast ocean.

All my senses ignored it to the point they were insensitive.

I went over to her taking her hands in mine softly as I cupped her cheeks gently to look at me. Her eyes were full of tears.

"Adele let's just get away, from all this pressure, your parents... let's just leave together," I said bringing my face closer to hers as our noses cuddled against each other as warm air brushed my face and she breathed closely.

"Doma I can't let you do that," she said keeping her distance to look me straight in the eye.

"I want to do this, so don't think you're forcing me" I confirmed.

"I can't let you because you have everything working for you here, you have your brother and parents and dera talk less of your amazing aunt and cousin...Doma you might not understand but family is everything and I can't let you throw all that because of me," she said her voice finding this new thoughtful power that left me wordless.

"Adele.." I said trying to get closer to her again but she shifted away running away deeper into the grass field land as I chased after her calling her back.

"Adele please can you just hear me out.." I said breathing heavily, sweating profusely.

"Doma just forget me alright! Forget me! Forget you ever met me or knew me, please" she said as she finally stopped a few meters from me ea looking now at how much I wanted to drown myself in it cause I saw no other reason for living.

I stare at her trying to find a little hint of disbelief or uncertainty in her but it hurt more that she had already made up her mind.

She pulled out the necklace I gave her and stretched it towards me. unwilling my hand stretched forward as the sliver heart pendant fell into my arms I felt my heart breaking into pieces but right after she ran off and I didn't know how to feel

Sad, angry, happy.

They said love prevails over all but it just breaks you, leaves you thinking you were never enough but at the end of it all.

As I stared at the sliver pendant shimmer in the afternoon sun, the wind that held the fresh scent of the sea, I began to realize

I could never have what Christian had or my parents and I lost hope in ever finding that happiness and that was it.

Honestly, I didn't feel good writing this chapter but it just had to happen!!!

Well, bees!! There won't be another chapter for a long while to enjoy in the meantime!!

Love you all❤️✨❤️✨

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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