Chapter one

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This is absolutely ridiculous! Why can't I just tell the other students I'm really a pureblood?
I feel like I am hiding a part of myself already, and I am not even at Hogwarts nor am I sorted into my house. I can't wait until I get there, I have heard stories about hybrids and tribrids as well as witches and wizard so maybe I should stop worrying about if I tell someone my secret or not being thrown into 7th year is so infuriating as it is the last year and everyone is probably going to ignore me I should focus on making friends That is my priority an if I'm lucky meeting someone who could be more than my friend. I have already seen this guy, who is really gorgeous. I'm just hoping we could become friends at the very least but to be honest I would have to have the courage to talk to him first instead of sitting on my own. It looks like the train has arrived at Hogwarts, I just hope I get sorted into Slytherin and not just cause snakes are my favourite creatures also cause I feel that's where I belong.

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