The yule ball

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Klaus's Yule ball outfit

I walk down the stairs to klaus waiting for me he looks so handsome I really think I maybe falling in love with him I think I might tell him that tonight

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I walk down the stairs to klaus waiting for me he looks so handsome I really think I maybe falling in love with him I think I might tell him that tonight.  "Hermione you look so gorgeous I really don't think I have ever seen someone as beautiful as you I just don't know how I have been able to survive without you in my life Hermione I love you but I do have a secret and I don't want you to look at me differently when I tell you and here it is Hermione I have a daughter as you know I'm a tribred and which means as I'm part wolf I can have kids and on a one night stand i got a girl called Hayley pregnant I am telling you this cause I love you and I love my daughter hope and don't want this to ruin anything between my daughter and me by not telling you  I do understand understand if you don't want to be with me after me telling you this she is 17 years old and is also a tribred"  "Klaus take I breath look i think it is sweet you have a daughter you care about and I was going to tell you something anyway tonight and the thing I was going to tell you is I love you and you trusting me to tell me about your daughter makes me love you even more just one question Klaus may I have this dance" after that we dance all night except when a mashup of look what you mad me do and gorgeous comes on and I manage to pry Katherine away from the boys so we can dance to it and not to brag but we and Katherine were the hottest girls there in my opinion and we had the best time as well x

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