You and i

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So as I walk in to see klaus he says.
"I know what you have been up to with Draco and if you can tell me that you don't love me I will go and never talk to you again."

This thing with Draco is going to stop it is over a one time thing I love you and just want it to be you and I forever"

As I say he grabs my hips and pulls me in and whispers sweet nothings into my ears while giving me love bites all around my neck and finally he kisses me passionately and it feels like there is no one else in the world but us and I figured it out Draco has never made me feel like this the only thing Draco did was force himself on me god what was I thinking.
We continued are make out session until we had to come up for air and I didn't leave we just watched mine and his favourite film beautiful creature and I fell asleep on him.

"Hermione we are late for class you need to get
up no matter how much I would love to cuddle
up with you I can't risk us getting detention
but now that I think about that would be a lot of down time to study other things"

"Klaus as tempting as that sounds you were right the first time we both need to get ready for care for magical creatures class cause no matter how nice Hagrid is we both know he will embarrass you by asking you to turn into a wolf for the rest of the class to gawk at."

So we both get up and get dressed and we go to class to be honest this is one of my favourite classes as I get to just talk to my friends and look at magnificent and cute animals I just wish I could have one as a pet preferably a niffler they would probably steal on my jewellery but there so cute that I would forgive them straight away but no Hermione you don't have time to think about that you need to tell Draco the deal is off and that you don't want to be his girlfriend and i will do that right after I get changed into something that hides all my skin and after i talk to Katherine she always knows how to handle these situations. As I walk into are room I see something I never wish to see again she is having sex with some guy called Mattheo riddle everyone but me and her seem to be scared of him I don't know why everyone else is he is just a normal wizard after all.

"Hermione I didn't expect you over here so soon Mattheo I think you should go me and Hermione have some catching up to do"

"Katherine I have made a massive mistake first things first I need you to help me find something that covers all my skin then come help me break up with Draco after everything last night I have decided it is just me and klaus that need to be together we may not be perfect together but we are the closest you could get to it"

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