A visit from an Absent Father

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Nico's POV

I was living a great life in my newly-renovated Cabin at Camp Half Blood. The coffins and vampire-like furniture was all brought out, and it was much more comfortable afterwards. I mean, sure, Will had recently moved out to Nebraska to finish his education without all the craziness here. Of course, I missed him, but I couldn't blame him.

Hazel had figured I'd be a little lonely without Will here, so she visited a couple times, despite having praetor duties back at Camp Jupiter. Frank totally understood, too. He would occasionally come by Camp with her to see how I was doing, even though I teased him everytime he came here.

One day, after swordfighting practice was done, I was about to take a shower in my cabin when I felt someone behind me.

Slowly, I turned around to face my father. He never got a reaction out of me. "Hello, father."

Hades smiled. "Hello, son. Is this a good time?"

I scoffed. "Since when do Gods like you ask us if we have time? It's practically your job just to give us more work."

My father shrugged, nodding. "Just trying to be polite," He admitted.

"Yeah, it's a good time," I threw my aviator's jacket onto my bed and crossed my arms at my chest. "What do you want?"

"Have you ever wondered why Will went all the way to Nebraska?" Hades asked.

"For the education," I replied.

Hades shook his head. "That's not the whole reason. Yes, he wants to learn some more for college, but that's not the end of it."

I scowled. "Will lied to me?"

"He didn't know himself," Hades shrugged. "Apollo told him he needed to go there to learn, so he did. But he was told as soon as he got there."

I shrugged. "Okay, good for him."

"Anyways, Will's not holding it up very well over there," Hades said.

"What do you mean?" I snapped. "Will's strong."

"Eventually, someone's going to find out that he's a demigod," Hades answered. "There're monsters, and he's a healer, not a fighter. There's supposedly some lost demigod over there, but he can't figure out who it is."

I shrugged. "Why're you talking to me then?"

He grinned.

I stepped back, shaking my head. "No way. Not right now. I'm just starting to get used to this again."

"Come on, son," Hades said. "Will needs help, and you need your boyfriend back."

I bit my lip. "Let's say I do consider this--What do I have to do?"

"Protect that school from monsters, fight the monsters," Hades said. "Find the demigod, make friends."

"You sound like the father of a new kid," I scowled. "If I do this, you better not interfere whatsoever."

Hades held up his hands up in innocence. "I'll try not to."

I threw my hands in the air. "Whatever. Fine. I'll get packing."

"I'll get Jules-Albert to drive you there," My father said cheekily.

I scoffed. "Good, I'm not taking a bus or train to get there. And Will might kill me if I shadow travel halfway across the country."

"Indeed he will," Hades said, disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

I paused for a second, trying to comprehend what just happened.

"Did my father just make a pun?"

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