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{3rd person}

flynn thompson wasn't always the quiet kid. he was the most interactive kid at his old school. all his teachers loved him, he had many friends but he had to move. flynn had to say goodbye to all his favorite teachers and his closest friends. it wasn't easy for any of them.

once flynn arrived at his new school he wasn't the same. he didn't know anyone and he didn't even try. he missed what he had back at his old school. so he was known as the quiet kid. he was alright with it as long as they weren't meaning it in a bad way.

he was still in touch with his best friend but they rarely spoke, there was a simple hey every once in a while but never full conversations. he made a friend the first year he came here and they've gotten closer. now he has a friend group.

anyways, back to him moving. he moved here when he was in the middle of sophomore year in high school. he was know starting junior year of high school, which he wasn't excited about it at all. meeting new people wasn't his thing but that's how life works.


sebastian parker is the loud annoying kid. he's always in a good mood in the morning. it's rare to see him in a bad mood. he thinks that he's every teacher's favorite. his teachers thinks he's an alright student. he gets B's and C's on everything.

he was well-liked because he was on the football team. he knows theres a few people who don't like him but that doesn't effect him one bit. sebastian wasn't gonna force them to like him so he ignored them. people are allowed to have opinions.

he was a respectful kid yet really annoying towards the teachers. the teachers just ignored his random comments most of the time, partly because they don't get paid enough for it. his comments normally are targeted at things the teacher says.

when sebastian and flynn first met was in flynn's second day of that school. they had mutual friends yet they really didn't like each other very much. they usually see each other in the morning and sebastian is really annoying in they morning, flynn's usually is half asleep still, and they find that annoying about each other.

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