chapter three

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{3rd person}
clear his mind

flynn woke up the next day. the first thing he noticed was the smell of breakfast, so he got up and headed downstairs. he saw his mother cooking, his father at the table, and of course his little sister, alexa, was still not up.

breakfast with the whole family aways means something good in flynn's house. his mom always does this when someone tells her that they had a rough week.

"good morning honey," flynn's mom said. she smiled at him, he returned the smile.

"good morning mom!" flynn said. he yawned and sat at the table with his dad.

*time skip*

alexa finally woke up after an hour. they're mother told them why they had a family breakfast.

"kids go pack a bag, we're going on a road trip!" their mother said. "we will be back by monday so just bring pjs and an outfit for two days,"

"alright!" they said as they ran to their room. flynn packed two outfits. outfit number one was simple, it was just a green t-shirt with grey shorts, his second outfit was a thin red hoodie and white shorts.

once the family was all packed they met in the living room. their mother smiled at them. "alright kids, do you have everything you need?"

"yea!" alexa and flynn answered. flynn had a backpack, alexa had a backpack and a purse full of small things. they then went to the car.

"i don't wanna hear arguing, do you understand?" their father stated sternly.

"yes sir!" both the children said. the family had a mini van so there was three rows. the two front seats, the middle with an opening in the middle to get to the back, and the back, the seats in the back are connected.

"i'll take the back," flynn said. alexa nodded. they all settled down, buckled up and drove off.

flynn connected his airpods to his phone and listened to music. he stared out the window and just relaxed. he then received a text from someone.


e: wanna hang this weekend?

f: i can't

e: aww why not?

f: family road-trip

e: oh, you better come back alive!

f: i'll try

e: alright, well knowing you you're probably wanting a nap so...goodnight!

f: yea lol

flynn ended up falling asleep 10 minutes after. his sister looked back to talk to him but just let him sleep when she noticed. she told her parents and then went back to what she was doing.

not as much words as before but i landed on 420 words. i hope you enjoyed! don't forget to vote!

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