chapter four

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{3rd person}

flynn woke up, he tried to get up so he could get water but something or someone stopped him. he looked at what stopped him and saw...sebastian?! flynn panicked and scooted away causing sebastian to wake up.

"love what are you doing? it like 2am!" sebastian said. love? did sebastian call flynn love? then slowly he(his dream self) realized he was dating sebastian.

"sorry, i forgot you stayed the night," flynn said. sebastian laughed. 'wow he's hot...woah flynn clam the fuck down!'

"that's alright," sebastian said. his sleepy voice was adorable. they shifted now flynn was sitting in sebastian's lap. flynn laid his head back on sebastian. sebastian looked at him with a smile.

"you're perfect," flynn said.

"and you're cute," sebastian said. he leaned and kissed flynn. flynn then turned around and sat facing sebastian on his lap. their kiss got heated real fast. they were now both shirtless, sebastian laying on top of flynn as the kissed, his hand wondering around flynn's body. before they could go any further flynn stopped it.

"wait wait...this um i don't think i'm ready..." flynn said. sebastian smiled warmly.

"that's ok, i'm not forcing you," sebastian said. "but one thing,"

"yea?" flynn said.

"wake up," sebastian said. flynn looked confused.

after dream

flynn woke up to alexa shaking him and telling him to wake up. he slowly got up and rubbed his eyes.

"huh? what?" flynn shot up.

"we're at our first pit stop, mom said even if you don't need to go to the bathroom, she's also gonna get us some snacks and drinks!" alexa said. flynn rubbed his eyes and nodded.

"alright," flynn spoke. he got up and walked inside the gas station. he walked to the bathrooms and did his business. once he was done he washed his hands(obviously) and walked out. he met with his mom at the counter.

"i got you a coke, sunchips, a zero bar and sour patch kids, i wasn't sure which one you wanted," his mom said. flynns mouth watering at the food.

"thanks mom!" flynn said. once everyone was done doing their business they went back to the car and continued their trip.

"here's your stuff," alexa said. she handed flynn his stuff.

"thanks nerd," flynn said.

"you're welcome loser," alexa responded. flynn then went back to listening to music. he was just thinking about random things when his dream from earlier came to mind.

what did his dream mean? he didn't like sebastian like that or in general actually. he called him the f-slur for fuck sake! who would like someone who does that?! flynn was really confussed. should he tell evelyn or keep it to himself? maybe evelyn could help him...or she might call him a psycho for subconsciously thinking that.


flynn is typing

flynn: this car ride is so boring
flynn: save me

evelyn: lol

flynn: i love my family and our little surprise trips but it's takes so longggggg

evelyn: wish i was there, ethans making me go to a stupid party with him

flynn: lol who's party?

evelyn: i think sebastian's

flynn: gross

evelyn: yea, i'm surprised ethan even accepted the invitation, everyone is still mad at him from the other day
evelyn: about that, how you feeling?

flynn: i'm still a little upset
flynn: i have a scenario in my head that he's just jealous of me

evelyn: lol
evelyn: ethan has been stuck on it, apparently sebastian has a gay sibling

flynn: sebastian has siblings?

evelyn: yea but apparently they got kicked out so he never sees them, he supported them but his parents disagreed

flynn: i don't think we should talking about it behind sebastians back, sure we don't like him it but it's cruel

evelyn: yea maybe your right

flynn looked up from his phone. his mother and father were talking about whatever, alexa had her earbuds in staring out the window. flynn looked out his window, as he started zoned out.

why did sebastian lie about not having any siblings?

flynn thought more and more about it. flynn started overthinking it, and making up fake scenarios in his head. he then felt a tap on his knee, bringing him back to reality.

"were here!" alexa said. flynn smiled.

"finally!" flynn said. alexa got out of the car, then flynn. they walked in the hotel they were staying at.

"alright, you two will be sharing a room, so please get along!" their mother said. "i can cut this trip short if you don't!"

"alright mom!" both said.

775 words this time. i didn't know where to end it so it's a bit long lol. i hope you enjoyed! don't forget to vote!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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