chapter one

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{3rd person}
first day of junior year

it was flynns first day of junior year. he wasn't excited at all. he hated new people and new classes. he knew everyone had to go through it so he didn't complain out loud.

flynn woke up at 7am. he knew that if he didn't get up know he'd be late so he got out of bed. he walked lazily over to his closet, he grabbed whatever looked the comfiest. (outfit on top.)

he walked out of his room and went straight into the bathroom. he then heard a knock and someone complain. "how the hell do always make it to the bathroom before i do! you wake up later!"

"sorry sis, maybe wake up more early!" flynn spoke calmly.

"you always take way to long!" his sister, alexa, said. she was clearly annoyed.

"i take like 10 minutes," flynn said. he opened the door. alexa rolled her eyes. "so cool it!"

"whatever!" alexa said.

"don't be late!" flynn said. he walked downstairs. their school system is weird, his school starts at 8:00, and alexa's starts at 8:30. they never question it.

"i never am!" alexa shouted. he walked into the kitchen. he saw his mother sipping her coffee. he smiled at her. she smiled back.

"hey honey," she spoke first. "how'd she sleep?" flynn laughed nervously. he didn't go to sleep until 3am.

"i slept alright," flynn said. he did but he didn't get a lot of sleep so he was tired as hell.

"don't fall asleep in class! it's only your first day!" his mother said sternly.

"i won't, i promise!" flynn said. he looked at the time. 7:35. "i gotta go before i'm late! love you!"

"love you honey!" his mom shouted as he already opened the door. he walked to his car and got in.

*time skip*

flynn arrived at the school. he walked inside, he immediately found his group of friends. everyone was tired looking, except sebastian. he was literally bouncing off the walls, flynn rolled his eyes as he laid his head on the table.

"i'm gonna go get breakfast! who's coming?" sebastian spoke. his loud voice made flynn more annoyed.

"no one," flynn muttered to himself. evelyn, his best friend, giggled from next to him. sebastian shot her a look.

"why are you laughing?" sebastian asked. something about sebastian, he doesn't like feeling left out.

"nothing," evelyn said. flynn looked between evelyn and sebastian. sebastian looked kind of annoyed.

"i said something stupid and she laughed, it's as simple as that," flynn said. sebastian rolled his eyes and walked away. "asshole,"

"anyways, what does your schedule look like flynn?" evelyn asked. flynn unlocked his phone and showed her. she compared their schedules. "we have 3 classes together! math, history, and science!"

"thank god!" flynn said. soon the bell rings for them to go to their first hour. flynn walks evelyn to her class, then walks to his. once he walls in his class he sees sebastian and ethan being stupid.

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