006. ━ the sloan family

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season six // episodes eleven and twelve[ the sloan family ]

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season six // episodes eleven and twelve
[ the sloan family ]

❝I mean, Lexie was perfect for you.
She brought out the best out of you
and you brought the best out of her.❞

ELLIE STOOD AT a nurse's station when Mark went up to Lexie. "Did you tell Sloan to move out?"

"No," Lexie said, shaking her head. "Not that it's a bad idea, but-"

"You're making her feel like crap." Ellie turned and watched her brother berate his girlfriend. "She said you wouldn't even be alone in a room with her."

"No, that-that's not—"

"Then why do I have to chaperone the ultrasound?" Mark interrupted.

"Because there's something wrong with the baby!" Ellie looked over at Lexie and gave Mark a small glare before following her brother into the exam room. Lexie showed Sloan the ultrasound. "See right there on the left thigh."

"Yeah. On his other ankle, too," the OB said in agreement.

"Wait. It's a boy?" Sloan asked.

Lexie turned red and pursed her lips. "I hadn't gotten that far."

"Oh! Oh, sorry. Congratulations." The OB smiled at Sloan and before continuing. "Uh, there's a lot of swelling on the right foot. It's-It's very constricted."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Sloan asked.

"Well, the baby's got strands of amniotic tissue wrapped around his legs," Mark explained to her. "They're called amniotic bands."

"There's a danger of them compromising one of his limbs."

"So what?" Sloan asked. "One of his legs is gonna, like, fall off?"

"That's the worst-case scenario," the OB replied.

"He's gonna have stumps?" Sloan started to freak out and Ellie sighed.

"We don't know what we're dealing with yet," Mark tried to assure her. "Whatever it is, we're gonna take care of it."

"I can't have a stumpy baby. Can't you fix it?" Sloan asked the OB.

"Um, I don't know."

"You know, I have an idea," Mark said. "How about we don't answer any patient questions with the phrase, 'Um, I don't know'?"

"Mark..." Ellie said in a warning tone.

"We're gonna fix it," Mark told his daughter while sending the OB a look. "Uh, let's, uh, get a fetal MRI."

"You know," the OB said. "I'm not sure that I would recommend—"

"I wasn't talking to you. You're done."

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